Mellon Grantees Presentation Schedule - Spring 2002


Mellon Grantees Presentation Schedule - Spring 2002


  • Tuesday, April 23rd, 2:00-4:00p.m.
    Heather Gregg
    "Divided They Conquer: The Success of Armenian Lobby Groups in the US"

    Lorena Barberia and Susan Eckstein
    “The Ties That Bind: Cross-Border Refugee Ties and Their Effects, The Cuban Experience's Missing”

  • Tuesday, May 7th, 2:00-4:00p.m.
    Smita Srinivas
    "International institutions and Indian views: The changing face of social protection for mobile populations"

  • Tuesday, May 14th, 2:00-4:00p.m.
    Rogaia Abusharaf
    "Vanishing Security: Changing Cultural Practices among War-displaced Southern Sudanese Women in Khartoum"

    Cari Clark
    “Gender Based Violence Research Initiatives From the Field - Lessons Learned”