Stacy Heen with the management committee of the Caisse Villagoise d' Epargne et de Credit, in Foyet Cameroon.
The Inter-University Committee on International Migration
Since its establishment in 1974, the Inter-University Committee on International Migration has been a focal point for migration and refugee studies at member institutions, which include Boston University, Brandeis University, The Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Harvard University, MIT, Tufts University, and Wellesley College. The committee is chaired by MIT as a program of the Center for International Studies (CIS).
Migration Seminar Series
During each academic year, the Committee sponsors a seminar series on international migration, The Myron Weiner Seminar Series on International Migration, held at MIT's Center for International Studies. The seminars explore factors affecting international population movements and their impact upon sending and receiving countries and relations among them.
Contact Details:
Myron Weiner Seminar Series on International Migration at MIT
Center for International Studies
1 Amherst Street, E40-400
Cambridge, MA 02142