Faculty + Scholars
Sana Aiyar Associate Professor of History |
aiyar@mit.edu617-324-7285E51-296b | |
Akintunde Akinwande Thomas and Gerd Perkins Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science |
akinwand@mtl.mit.edu617-258-7974 39-553 | |
Mercedes Balcells-Camps Principal Research Scientist, Institute of Medical Engineering & Science |
merche@mit.edu617-324-0054E25-438 | |
Eran Ben-Joseph Professor, Department of Urban Studies and Planning |
ebj@mit.edu 617-253-73059-532 | |
Suzanne Berger Institute Professor Expertise: Political economy (France and Italy), Europe (effects of globalization, politics, and labor), globalization (competitiveness, effects of globalization on institutions, history of globalization in France) |
szberger@mit.edu617-253-6640E53-451 | |
Anat Biletzki Albert Schweitzer Professor of Philosophy |
Anat.Biletzki@quinnipiac.edu617-407-1167 | |
John Brisson Professor, Mechanical Engineering |
brisson@mit.edu617-253-22733-256/8 | |
Phil Budden Senior Lecturer, Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Strategic Management |
pbudden@mit.eduE62-486 | |
Markus J. Buehler Jerry McAfee (1940) Professor in Engineering |
mbuehler@mit.edu617-452-27501-165 | |
Nazli Choucri Professor, Political Science Expertise: International conflict, cyberpolitics, sustainability, cyberspace |
nchoucri@mit.edu617-253-6198E53-493 | |
Fotini Christia Ford International Professor of the Social Sciences |
cfotini@mit.edu617-324-5595E53-417 | |
Jung-Hoon Chun Professor, Mechanical Engineering |
jchun@mit.edu617-253-175935-233 | |
Cathy Culot Lecturer in French |
cculot@mit.edu617-253-436214N-334 | |
Areg Danagoulian Associate Professor, Nuclear Science and Engineering |
aregjan@mit.edu 617-324-632924-220 | |
Olivier de Weck Apollo Program Professor |
deweck@mit.edu617-253-025533-410 | |
Lerna Ekmekcioglu McMillan-Stewart Career Development Associate Professor of History Expertise: Modern Middle Eastern history |
lerna@mit.edu617-253-9621E51-273 | |
M Taylor Fravel Arthur and Ruth Sloan Professor of Political Science Expertise: Asian security, East Asian foreign policy, Chinese politics and military policy, international relations, conflict resolution |
fravel@mit.edu617-324-0222E40-471 | |
Kelly M Greenhill Director, Seminar XXI Program |
kmg2@mit.eduE40-467 | |
Mariya Grinberg Assistant Professor of Political Science |
mgrin@mit.eduE40-479 | |
R. John Hansman T. Wilson (1953) Professor in Aeronautics |
rjhans@mit.edu617-253-227133-303 | |
Anna Hardman Senior Lecturer, Dept of Economics, Tufts University |
anna.hardman@tufts.edu617-627-8767E40-400 | |
Doug Hart Professor of Mechanical Engineering |
dphart@mit.edu617-253-21783-246 | |
Mai Hassan Associate Professor of Political Science |
mhass@mit.edu703-220-7451E53-487 | |
Eric Heginbotham Principal Research Scientist, Center for International Studies Expertise: Asian international relations, Japanese foreign and strategic policy, Chinese foreign and strategy policy, conventional military forces and analysis, nuclear strategy, US Asia policy |
eric_h@mit.edu617-324-3397E40-459 | |
F Daniel Hidalgo Associate Professor of Political Science |
dhidalgo@mit.edu617-253-8078E53-402 | |
Yasheng Huang Epoch Foundation Professor of International Management |
yshuang@mit.edu617-253-9768 E62-462 | |
Daniel Jackson Professor, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science |
dnj@csail.mit.edu617-258-847132-G704 | |
Patrick Jaillet Dugald C.Jackson Professor in Electrical Engineering |
jaillet@mit.edu617-452-337932-D624 | |
David Keith Senior Lecturer, Sloan School of Management |
dkeith@mit.edu617-253-3436E62-432 | |
Philip Khoury Ford International Professor of History |
khoury@mit.edu617-253-088710-280 | |
In Song Kim Associate Professor of Political Science |
insong@mit.edu617-253-3138 E53-407 | |
Eric Klopfer Section Head/Professor, CMS/Writing |
klopfer@mit.edu617-253-2025NE48-328 | |
Chappell Lawson Associate Professor of Political Science |
clawson@mit.edu617-253-3524E53-453 | |
Evan Lieberman Total Professor of Political Science and Contemporary Africa |
evanlieb@mit.edu617-324-1642E53-409 | |
Erik Lin-Greenberg Leo Marx Career Development Assistant Professor of the History and Culture of Science & Technology |
eriklg@mit.eduE40-491 | |
Noora Lori Associate Professor of International Relations, Boston University |
nlori@bu.edu617-358-7338 | |
Paulo Lozano Miguel Alemán Velasco Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics |
plozano@mit.edu617-258-074237-401 | |
Fiona Murray William Porter (1967) Professor of Entrepreneurship |
fmurray@mit.edu617-258-0628E62-488 | |
Vipin Narang Frank Stanton Professor of Nuclear Security and Political Science Expertise: Nuclear proliferation, South Asian security, quantitative conflict studies, international relations theory, general security studies |
narangv@mit.edu617-258-7363E40-465 | |
Noah Nathan Associate Professor of Political Science |
nlnathan@mit.edu617-253-3164E53-433 | |
Richard Nielsen Associate Professor, Political Science
Expertise: Islam, political violence, human rights, economic development, research design |
rnielsen@mit.edu617-324-4823E53-455 | |
Melissa Nobles Chancellor |
mnobles@mit.edu617-253-974210-200 | |
Bradley Olsen Alexander and I. Michael Kasser (1960) Professor |
bdolsen@mit.edu617-715-454866-558A | |
Christine Ortiz Morris Cohen Professor in Materials Science and Engineering |
cortiz@mit.edu 617-452-308413-4022 | |
Scot Osterweil Research Scientist, Comparative Media Studies/Writing |
scot_o@mit.edu617-324-3652NE48-328 | |
Kenneth Oye Professor, Political Science |
oye@mit.edu617-253-3412E40-437 | |
Mihaela Papa Director of Research, Center for International Studies |
mpapa@mit.eduE40-447 | |
Jaime Peraire H.N. Slater Professor in Aeronautics and Astronautics |
peraire@mit.edu617-253-198133-213 | |
Roger Petersen Arthur and Ruth Sloan Professor of Political Science |
rpeters@mit.edu617-253-6781E40-493 | |
Barry Posen Ford International Professor of Political Science |
posen@mit.edu617-253-8088E40-463 | |
Carlo Ratti Professor of Practice of Urban Technologies and Planning |
ratti@mit.edu617-253-79269-216 | |
Carol Saivetz Senior Advisor, Security Studies Program Expertise: Russia, former Soviet Union |
csaivetz@mit.edu617-324-3065E40-476 | |
Richard Samuels Ford International Professor of Political Science |
samuels@mit.edu617-253-2449E40-475 | |
Bishwapriya Sanyal Ford International Professor of Urban Development and Planning |
sanyal@mit.edu617-253-32709-435A | |
Harvey Sapolsky Professor, Public Policy and Organization (Emeritus) |
sapolsky@mit.edu617-253-5265E40-481 | |
Ben Ross Schneider Ford International Professor of Political Science |
brs@mit.edu617-253-7207E53-423 | |
David Andrew Singer Professor, Political Science |
dasinger@mit.edu617-258-9372E53-473 | |
Pawan Sinha Professor, Brain and Cognitive Sciences |
psinha@mit.edu617-253-143446-4077 | |
Eugene Skolnikoff Professor, Political Science (Emeritus) Expertise: Interaction of science and technology and international politics |
ebskol@mit.edu617-253-3140E53-373 | |
Justin Steil Assistant Professor of Law and Urban Planning |
steil@mit.edu617-253-20179-515 | |
Caitlin Talmadge Associate Professor, Political Science Expertise: Nuclear deterrence and escalation, U.S. military operations and strategy, and security issues in Asia and the Persian Gulf. |
talmadge@mit.eduE40 | |
C. Cem Tasan Associate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering |
tasan@mit.edu617-253-33188-202 | |
Kathleen Thelen Ford International Professor of Political Science |
kthelen@mit.edu617-324-3651E53-435 | |
Reed Ueda Professor, Department of History, Tufts University |
reed.ueda@tufts.edu617-627-2444 | |
Lawrence Vale Ford Professor of Urban Design & Planning Expertise: Urban design politics |
ljvale@mit.edu617-253-056110-497M | |
Stephen Van Evera Ford International Professor of Political Science |
vanevera@mit.edu617-253-0530E40-475 | |
Jim Walsh Research Associate, Security Studies Program Expertise: Nuclear weapons and WMD proliferation (Iran, North Korea, Non-proliferation Treaty, terrorism), Iran (politics, nuclear program, US policy), Iraq, Persian Gulf |
j_walsh@mit.edu617-324-3712E40-479 | |
Elizabeth Wood Ford International Professor of History |
elizwood@mit.edu617-253-3255E51-282 |