About Emile Bustani

Emile M. Bustani, received an SB in civil
engineering from MIT in 1933. He headed
the leading engineering and contracting
firm in the Arab world and was a prominent
Lebanese statesman until his untimely
death in 1963.
Photo by Life Magazine
Emile Bustani was born into a poor Lebanese family in 1907, in the twilight years of the Ottoman Empire. When he died in an airplane crash in 1963, he was one of the most influential businessmen and philanthropists in the Middle East and a leading figure in the politics of the region.
Emile Bustani looked less to the glories of an Arab past than to the possibilities of a dynamic Arab renaissance. He combined the technological skills he learned as a civil engineer student at MIT (SB 1933) and his experience gained by working for the Iraq Petroleum Company, with the ideals of nineteenth-century philanthropists. He used the fortune acquired through CAT, the contracting and trading company he founded in 1936, to help revitalize Lebanon and neighboring countries.
Financial success enabled Emile Bustani to turn his attention to Lebanese politics in the early years of his country's independence after World War II. He was elected a member of Parliament in Lebanon in 1951, an office he held until his death. During the civil strife which plagued Lebanon in 1958, and led to the deployment of United States marines in the country, he played a crucial role in overcoming the crisis. He was one of the few eminent figures in the Middle East to remain on good terms with almost all the Arab leaders of his day, his counsel much valued throughout the region. Had he lived, many believe he would have become President of Lebanon. Few would have been more likely to reconcile the irreconcilable. His charm, honesty, good nature, and gift for friendship made him an irresistible negotiator.
In addition to his business and political career, Emile Bustani devoted himself to higher education in the Arab world. His special interest was the American University of Beirut, the leading institution of higher learning in the region, where he had taken his first undergraduate degree in 1928. He was a member of the AUB Board of Trustees and President of its Alumni Association. His philanthropic activities on behalf of the AUB and his fierce commitment to modern liberal education for men and women were enormous. That commitment has been sustained by his family to this day.
Mrs. Laura Bustani and Mrs. Myrna Bustani, Emile Bustani's widow and daughter, wishing to honor his memory and his deep and lasting contribution to higher education and to peace in the Middle East, established in 1985 the Emile Bustani Middle East Seminar at his American university home, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
The Bustani Middle East Seminar is organized under the auspices of the MIT Center for International Studies, which conducts research on contemporary international issues and provides an opportunity for faculty and students to share perspectives and exchange views. Each year the Bustani Seminar invites scholars, journalists, consultants, and other experts from the Middle East, Europe, and the United States to MIT to present recent research findings on contemporary politics, society and culture, and economic and technological development in the Middle East.
The Bustani Seminar complements MIT's teaching and research in the Middle East, which cover such fields as history, political science, economics, anthropology architecture, urban studies, management, and engineering. It is open to the entire MIT community and to the general public. The Bustani Seminar is chaired by Philip S. Khoury, Ford International Professor of History and Vice Provost at MIT.
The inaugural lecture in the seminar series was delivered on October 3, 1985, by Albert Hourani, of the University of Oxford. His lecture "Lebanon: The Development of a Political Society" was published in 1986 by the MIT Center for International Studies.
Previous Speakers
Others who have addressed the Bustani Seminar, and their affiliation at the time, include: | |
Christophe Abi-Nassif | Middle East Institute |
Joelle Abi-Rached | Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study |
Ervand Abrahamian | Baruch College, CUNY |
Feroz Ahmad | University of Massachusetts |
Leila Ahmed | University of Massachusetts |
Taner Akçam | Clark University |
Ibrahim Al-Assil | Middle East Institute |
Hala Aldosari | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Lamis Andoni | Harvard University |
Mohammed Arkoun | Univ La Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris |
Bernard Avishai | KPMG, Boston |
Sadek El-Azem | University of Damascus |
Sahar Aziz | Rutgers Law School |
Robert Azzi | Photojournalist |
Andrew Bacevich | Boston University |
Ali Banuazizi | Boston College |
James Bill | The College of William & Mary |
Barbara Bodine | Harvard University |
Chloe Bordewich | University of Toronto |
Nora Boustany | The Washington Post |
Michaelle Browers | Wake Forest University |
L. Carl Brown | Princeton University |
Gilbert Burnham | Johns Hopkins University |
Melani Cammett | Harvard University |
Naomi Chazan | Hebrew University of Jerusalem |
Dominique Chevallier | University of Paris-Sorbonne |
Helena Cobban | Brookings Institution |
David Commins | Dickinson College |
Georges Corm | Paris |
Eric Davis | Rutgers University |
Alexander de Waal | World Peace Foundation |
Assia Djebar | Louisiana State University |
Charles Dunbar | Simmons College |
Khaled Fahmy | Tufts University |
Mamoun Fandy | Georgetown University |
Leila Farsakh | CIS, MIT |
F. Gregory Gause III | University of Vermont |
Irene Gendzier | Boston University |
Fawaz Gerges | Sarah Lawrence College |
Kim Ghattas | Carnegie Endowment for International Peace |
Fatma Muge Gocek | University of Michigan |
Nilüfer Göle | Bogazici University |
Alain Gresh | Le Monde Diplomatique |
Leon Hadar | American University |
Yvonne Haddad | University of Massachusetts |
Lydia Harrington | The Syria Museum |
Bernard A. Haykel | Princeton University |
Arthur Hertzberg | Columbia University |
Nadia Hijab | United Nations |
Raymond Hinnebusch | College of St. Catherine |
Christopher Hitchens | The Nation Magazine |
Cecil Hourani | London |
Michael Hudson | Georgetown University |
Rima Khalaf Hunaidi | United Nations |
Hussein Ibish | American Task Force on Palestine |
Resat Kasaba | University of Washington |
Farhad Kazemi | New York University |
Nikki Keddie | UCLA |
Herbert Kelman | Harvard University |
Samir Khalaf | AUB/Princeton University |
Sulayman Khalaf | Harvard University |
Rashid Khalidi | University of Chicago |
Walid Khalidi | Harvard University |
Rami G. Khouri | Daily Star, Beirut |
Elias Khoury | New York University |
Eberhard Kienle | Université d'Aix-Marseille |
Stephen Kinzer | Brown University |
Judith Kipper | Brookings Institution |
Joseph Kostiner | Tel Aviv University |
Peter Krause PhD '11 | Boston College |
Christina Lassen | Harvard University |
Bruce Lawrence | Duke University |
William Lawrence | North Africa Program for International Crisis Group |
Ann Lesch | Villanova University |
Ian Lustick | University of Pennsylvania |
Marc Lynch | The George Washington University |
Robert Mabro | Oxford University |
Ussama Makdisi | Rice University |
Kanan Makiya | Brandeis University |
Chibli Mallat | Université Saint-Joseph |
Robert Malley | International Crisis Group |
Moshe Maoz | Hebrew University |
Serif Mardin | Bogazici University |
Afaf Lutfi al-Sayyid Marsot | UCLA |
Tarek Masoud | Harvard Kennedy School |
Safwan Masri | Columbia University |
Fatema Mernissi | Mohammed V University |
Dalia Mogahed | Gallup Center for Muslim Studies |
Ahmad Moussalli | American University of Beirut |
Marwan Muasher | Carnegie Endowment |
Richard Murphy | Council on Foreign Relations |
Salim Nasr | Ford Foundation |
Augustus Richard Norton | United States Military Academy |
Roger Owen | Oxford/Harvard |
Matti Peled | Tel Aviv University |
Rudolph Peters | University of Amsterdam |
Kenneth Pollack PhD '96 | Brookings Institution |
William B. Quandt PhD '68 | Brookings Institution |
Abdul-Karim Rafeq | College of William & Mary |
André Raymond | Université de Provence |
Hugh Roberts | Tufts University |
Nadim Rouhana | Fletcher School, Tufts University |
Olivier Roy | CNRS, Paris |
Sarah Roy | CIS, MIT |
Dankwart Rustow | City University of New York |
Malise Ruthven | British Broadcasting Corporation |
Yahya Sadowski | Brookings Institution |
Emile Sahliyeh | University of North Texas |
Nawaf Salam | American University of Beirut |
Ghassan Salamé | University of Paris |
Djavad Salehi-Isfahani | Virginia Tech |
Paul Salem | American University of Beirut |
Harold Saunders | American Enterprise Institute |
Patrick Seale | The Observer, London |
Elaine Sciolino | The New York Times |
Anthony Shadid | The Boston Globe |
Hanan Al-Shaykh | London |
Jonathan Shimshoni | Princeton University |
Gary Sick | Columbia University |
Steven Simon | Center for International Studies, MIT |
Marion Farouk-Sluglett | University of Swansea |
Peter Sluglett | University of Durham |
Naghmeh Sohrabi SB '94 | Brandeis University |
Ahdaf Soueif | Arab Cultural Foundation, London |
Charles Smith | Wayne State University |
Denis Sullivan | Northeastern University |
Riad Tabbarah | Washington, D.C. |
Salim Tamari | Institute of Jerusalem Studies |
Shibley Telhami | Cornell University |
Mark Tessler | University of Michigan |
Bassam Tibi | University of Gottingen |
Abdullah Toukan PhD '76 | Amman, Jordan |
Fawwaz Traboulsi | Lebanese American University |
Brian Urquhart | Ford Foundation |
Robert Vitalis SM '84, PhD '89 | University of Pennsylvania |
John Voll | University of New Hampshire |
Ibrahim Warde | Le Monde Diplomatique |
John Waterbury | Princeton University/AUB |
Maha Yahya PhD '05 | Carnegie Middle East Center |
Malika Zeghal | Harvard University |
John Zogby | Zogby International |
Marvin Zonis PhD '63 | University of Chicago |