Expert Guide

CIS faculty and scholars are available to members of the media who seek comment and background information on issues related to international affairs. The best way to reach our experts is to contact them directly. If additional information is needed, please contact Michelle English, the Center’s Communications Officer.

CIS faculty and scholars are available to members of the media who seek comment and background information on issues related to international affairs. The best way to reach our experts is to contact them directly. If additional information is needed, please contact Michelle English, the Center’s Communications Officer.

A B C d E F G H J K L M N O P R S T U V W
Daniel Jackson

Professor, Electrical Engineering & Computer Science
Faculty Director, Middle East Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow (MEET)

Expertise: International education, electrical engineering and computer science, human-computer interaction, programming languages and software engineering, big data, cybersecurity


Patrick Jaillet

Dugald C.Jackson Professor in Electrical Engineering
Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Co-Director of Operations Research Center
Faculty Director, MIT-France

Expertise: International education, electrical engineering and computer science, online optimization and learning, machine learning, decision making under uncertainty, algorithms, network science and models, probability