Expert Guide

CIS faculty and scholars are available to members of the media who seek comment and background information on issues related to international affairs. The best way to reach our experts is to contact them directly. If additional information is needed, please contact Michelle English, the Center’s Communications Officer.

CIS faculty and scholars are available to members of the media who seek comment and background information on issues related to international affairs. The best way to reach our experts is to contact them directly. If additional information is needed, please contact Michelle English, the Center’s Communications Officer.

A B C d E F G H J K L M N O P R S T U V W
Jim Walsh

Research Associate, Security Studies Program

Expertise: Nuclear weapons and WMD proliferation (Iran, North Korea, Non-proliferation Treaty, terrorism), Iran (politics, nuclear program, US policy), Iraq, Persian Gulf


Cindy Williams Expertise: Military issues (personnel policy, command and control, budget, the draft vs volunteer service), defense policy (defense budget, military personnel policy), security studies (U.S. defense and security budgets, U.S. and European military personnel structures, command and control) cindywil@mit.edu617-484-0817E40-400
Elizabeth Wood

Ford International Professor of History
Faculty Co-Director, MIT-Eurasia & MIT-Ukraine Programs

Expertise: Cold War history, political economy of contemporary Russia, women’s rights, globalization