News + Media

Ground zero photo soon after September 11, 2001, attached on the Twin Towers


September 27, 2021

An archive of CIS public forums on 9/11 held the day after the attacks through today

CIS scholars discuss 9/11: This playlist includes several public forums held a day, a week, and a year after the September 11, 2001, events and features our scholars discussing the terrorist attacks.

eyeball with code/surveillance with people walking


September 27, 2021

Call for proposals for fellowship program in human rights and technology

In its fourth year, the fellowship program in human rights and technology invites proposals from both MIT undergraduate and graduate students. The program will support students’ research, participation in a working group, and other activities. Proposals are due October 25 by 5 PM.

Ada Petriczko

Analysis + Opinion

September 24, 2021

The Texas abortion law has an Eastern European ring to it

Ada PetriczkoThe Boston Globe

Since Texas effectively banned most abortions, I've been in a state of perpetual deja vu. The media coverage and the language used at both ends of the political spectrum all ring close to home. Weirdly so, given that home is 5,000 miles away from Texas.

The Bastille Day military parade in Paris in July.

In the News

September 22, 2021

France, striving for global power, still struggles to get it

Max FisherThe New York Times

Quoted:  “That independent streak, the Gaullist streak that has led to nuclear weapons independence, is true in the commercial realm, also,” said Vipin Narang, an MIT political scientist. “Their fingerprints were all over every country of concern during the Cold War,” he added, referring to new nuclear states like Israel and India.  “The French have been ruthless in their arms dealings in the past,” Mr Narang said. While he understood Paris’s rage, he added, “When somebody else plays this same game, the French get upset.”

Vipin Narang

In the News

September 21, 2021

A nuclear threat from the Taliban?


Vipin Narang discusses the global buildup of nuclear weapons and legacy of mutual assured destruction.

Taking off at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center, Gansu province, China, June 2020 China Out / Reuters

Analysis + Opinion

September 21, 2021

Private eyes in the sky

Erik Lin-Greenberg and Theo MilonopoulosForeign Affairs

Erik Lin-Greenberg and Theo Milonopoulos discuss how commercial satellites are transforming Intelligence in a recent article in Foreign Affairs.

John Tirman

Analysis + Opinion

September 20, 2021

Will America ever reckon with the human cost of the Afghanistan war?

John TirmanDAWN

It is difficult to know if Americans would care more if they knew more. But one modest remedy is for Congress to empower an agency to calculate the human costs of war in real time and hold regular hearings that demand accountability from the president for the consequences of US war making.

MIT's main dome on campus


September 20, 2021

CIS welcomes incoming fellows

The Center for International Studies welcomes new visiting fellows each academic year, hosting a variety of scholars, researchers, journalists, military and other esteemed colleagues.  

Gen Mark Milley

In the News

September 17, 2021

Gen Mark Milley faces criticism, support over call to Chinese counterpart

WBUR Here and Now

There's support from the White House and criticism from Congress for Genernal Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, over his phone call to his Chinese counterpart to avoid a possible conflict last year. Here & Now's security analyst Jim Walsh explains what these newly released details could mean for US national security. Walsh is a senior research associate at the MIT Security Studies Program.


Meicen Sun

In the News

September 17, 2021

Data flow’s decisive role on the global stage

New research by  political science doctoral candidate Meicen Sun illuminates the broad economic and political impacts of internet restrictions
