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Iraq: the human cost
January 15, 2008
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In the News
'Collective autism' about the costs of war
A 'Once-in-a-Century' Financial Crisis-Mortgaging the Future: How We Got in This Mess & Why It Could Happen Again
A conversation with Admiral Fallon
A eulogy for Pakistan
A solution for the US-Iran nuclear standoff
A special report on China's place in the world
A weakened Ahmadinejad
Admiral Fallon scans the horizon
An alliance in need of attention
An idealist on death row
Bitter Friends, Bosom Enemies: Iran, the US, and the Twisted Path to Confrontation
Book Review Roundtable: Kenneth B. Pyle's Japan Rising and Richard J. Samuels' Securing Japan
Chappell Lawson on border security
China's dilemma
China's response to a rising India
Cold water from the Taliban
David Singer on the Greek Euro-tragedy
Debt crisis highlights I.M.F.'s renewed role
Egypt: the path forward
Eugene Skolnikoff: the pioneer of science diplomacy
Fallon: US needs strategy on China
Foreign policy and the next US administration
Fotini on the war in Afghanistan
GOP whining on military spending cuts
Get ready to starve
Grieving over Gaza
How civil wars evolve
How cutting Pentagon spending will fix US defense strategy
How dictators fall
IMF turmoil unlikely to derail Euro debt talks
India and America in the strategic times to come
Interest grows for international Iran atom plant
Iraq: the human cost
Is it really a new start for Palestinians?
Japan after Kan
Japan after the quake
Japan disaster may have global economic impact
Japan's black swan
Just Jerusalem competition winners
Just Jerusalem: vision for a place of peace
Leaderless Jihad: radicalization in the west
Leaks in all the wrong places
Lucian W. Pye, bold thinker on Asia, is dead at 86
Museveni's grip on Uganda
North-South Korea talks in US serious, but civil
Q&A with Carl Kaysen
Q&A with M. Taylor Fravel
Q&A with Roger Petersen
Reigniting violence: how do ceasefires end?
Rights and security: a broad view
Stand alone: the case for a new isolationism
Supreme tragedy
The Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy
The President's triumph: Obama gets his man
The Salafi moment
The United States, India, and the Gulf: Convergence or Divergence in a Post-Iraq World?
The case for restraint
The future of the American frontier
The lady's leap of faith
The liberal foreign policy tradition: pluses, problems, and prospects
The specter of 1979 is haunting the Middle East
Tokyo's transformation
Two African women won Nobel Peace Prizes, but the continent still has a long way to go to gender equality
U.N. women's resolution: an unhappy birthday
US-Japan relations and a changing Asia
Unveiling hidden China
Violence and protests in the Muslim world
What happened in Basra?
What might an India-Pakistan war look like?
When death came hand-delivered
Where the Arab spring has not yet sprung
Who's winning the War on Terror?
Why Japan relies on nuclear power
With its eye on China, Japan builds up military
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War in Ukraine
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