News@E40 | Older
News@E40November 30, 2018Human Rights & Technology Fellows announced for 2018-19In its inaugural year, the Human Rights & Technology Program has awarded six research fellowships to MIT undergraduates. Their projects are expansive, and include field work in Africa and South Asia and a variety of topics. Four of them in different ways address the human right to health care or healthy environments and how technology can ensure good outcomes. |
News@E40October 22, 2018MIT ICC cultural resourcesYouTubeMISTI is promoting cross-cultural communication with the MIT International Coordinating Committee, communicating MIT’s cultural diversity on campus and across the world through video. |
News@E40October 15, 2018Starting new conversations about identity abroadMadeline Smith | Michelle EnglishMIT NewsNew MISTI programs provide a platform for student dialogue on diversity in international travel, study, and work. |
News@E40October 12, 2018MIT-Germany and the University of Stuttgart extend cooperationLily KeyesMIT NewsRepresentatives from the MIT-Germany Program and the University of Stuttgart (USTUTT) recently came together to formally extend a strategic partnership first created in 2015. Collaboration extends opportunities for faculty seed funds, internship opportunities, and a Global Teaching Labs program through 2020. |
News@E40October 4, 2018The Move: Civic innovators help restore democracyThe Move is a new initiative out of MIT’s Department of Urban Studies and Planning that features weekly podcasts, blog posts, and more from the civic innovators at democracy’s front lines. Join the conversation at The initiative is funded in part by the Center’s International Policy Lab and MIT’s Office of Open Learning. |
News@E40October 1, 2018MISTI radioThe radio show is a platform for students to reflect on their experiences abroad. MISTI Radio is an MIT program about the world, for the world. Assistant Professor Admir Masic and the MISTI students who worked with Syrian refugees in Jordan this summer are featured. (The program starts a few minutes into audio recording.) |
News@E40September 21, 2018New fellowship program in human rights and technologyThe Center announces a new fellowship program in human rights and technology, and invites proposals from MIT undergraduates. The program will support students’ research, participation in a working group, and other activities. Proposals are due October 29 by 5 PM. |
News@E40September 11, 2018Luce fellowship deadline Oct 19Friday, October 19, is the deadline for the Luce Scholars Program. Young scholars from a variety of intellectual fields will be placed in internships throughout Asia. Candidates must have no prior experience in the region. More information |
News@E40August 28, 2018MIT team digitizes Machu PicchuEduardo Rivera | Lily KeyesMIT NewsA laboratory team from the MIT Department of Architecture, led by Professor Takehiko Nagakura and PhD student Paloma Gonzales, has been working on the MISTI Global Seed Fund Machu Picchu Design Heritage project since 2016. "We believe that…the digitalization of architectural monuments is key to the preservation of the cultural heritage of humanity.” |
News@E40August 15, 2018Shaping technology’s futureDavid L. ChandlerMIT NewsWith data-informed models, Jessika Trancik seeks ways to coax progress toward sustainable energy systems. Trancik is a co-faculty director of the Center’s International Policy Lab. |
News@E40August 10, 2018Selin and Oye win 2018 Martore Teaching AwardThe Joseph A Martore Award for Excellence in Teaching in IDSS was awarded to two faculty members for 2018: Noelle Selin and Ken Oye. Oye is director of the Center’s Program on Emerging Technologies. |
News@E40August 7, 2018MIT-Germany partners with Friedrich Alexander UniversityLily KeyesMIT News“As the MIT-Germany program grows, many new opportunities for collaborations will emerge, and create synergies between FAU and MIT, spanning the spectrum from teaching to cutting edge research,” says Markus Buehler, MIT-Germany faculty director and head of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. |
News@E40July 30, 2018MIT-Japan goes full STEAM aheadThe MIT-Japan Program and Tohoku University's Science Angels recently held their second annual collaborative education program for children, appropriately titled “Let’s STEAM!” The one-day event aims to encourage children — especially girls — to pursue their interest in science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM). |
News@E40July 20, 2018MIT European Club leads in giving backLily KeyesMIT NewsThe MIT European Club has donated $40,000 to fund 10 new MISTI European Fellows this summer. Not only is it of the most substantial gifts given by a student group to the MIT community, it also marks the 10th anniversary of a successful partnership. |
News@E40July 9, 2018Celebrating Robert Murray, a colleague and friendThe Center hosted a retirement party for Robert Murray on June 28. Bob, as he was known at CIS, served as the Center’s administrative officer for seventeen years. The event was as celebratory as it was poignant. |
News@E40June 11, 2018Popular videos from our Starr Forum video archiveCheck out some of our most watched event videos — it's a great way to stay informed on important issues. Watch them anytime on our YouTube channel. |
News@E40June 7, 2018CIS welcomes new administrative officerThe Center is pleased to welcome John Congdon as its new administrative officer. He comes to MIT from the UMass Medical School, where he worked as the administrative manager in the Office of Faculty Affairs. |
News@E40June 7, 2018MISTI is...Lily KeyesYouTubeFaces of MIT: On the last day of class, students finish the statement, "MISTI is..." |
News@E40June 6, 2018CIS congratulates the graduatesThe Center congratulates the Class of 2018 from its Security Studies Program. Lena Andrews, Marika Landau-Wells, and Timothy Wright each received a PhD in political science at MIT. We wish them the best of luck in their future endeavors. |
News@E40June 5, 2018Unity makes strength: MIT expands ties with BelgiumMIT NewsA new partnership between MIT and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (KU Leuven) in Flanders, Belgium, seeks to build bridges between researchers at both institutions, and between the Dutch and French-speaking regions of Belgium. |