"Protecting University Research Amid National-Security Fears," Chronicle of Higher Education. May 10, 2002.
"Will Science and Technology Undermine the International Political System?" International Relations of the Asia-Pacific System, 2002.
"Research Universities and National Security: Can Traditional Values Survive?" Lewis M. Branscomb lecture delivered at the Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Dec. 17, 2001.
"International Governance in a Technological Age," Science, Technology and Governance, 2001.
"The Role of Science in Policy: The Climate Change Debate in the United States" A version of this article was published in Environment, June 1999, vol. 41, number 5, pages 16-20, 42-45.
Implementing Environmental Commitments: How Governments, Industry and NGOs Put International Environmental Agreements into Practice, (with David G. Victor), The MIT Press, 1998.
"The Policy Gridlock on Global Warming," Foreign Policy, Summer 1990.