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What the world can learn from South Africa
David Goodman
July 10, 2022
News + Media
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In the News
"Why do they hate us?": John Tirman on the dueling myths keeping Iran and the US from getting together
3 Questions: Fotini Christia on racial equity and data science
3Q: Women’s rights and rising threats to press freedom worldwide
A look at how countries go nuclear—and why some do not
Advancing the energy transition amidst global crises
After Biden's warning, how might Russian cyberattacks play out in the US?
America’s Iran follies
As Putin heads to Beijing, Russia and China’s stronger ties are a headache for the US
As many as 10,000 Yanks could perish in battle of Taiwan, war game suggests
As war drags on in Ukraine, is it time to talk compromise?
Beyond China’s COVID unrest, 3 important economic takeaways
Biden's move to send advanced weapons to Ukraine raises questions about U.S. involvement in the war
Biden's plan to 'secure N Korea nukes' as Kim's new missile puts US mainland 'in reach’
Biden’s Taiwan defense pledge inflames US-China relations
China and Russia’s military relationship likely to deepen with Ukraine war
China built new military post near disputed Indian border, satellite images show
China ends series of live fire military drills around the island of Taiwan
China looks to learn from Russian failures in Ukraine
China plays the waiting game on the Russia-Ukraine crisis
China steps up construction along disputed Bhutan border
China's show of force & fury: Military drills encircling Taiwan, explained
China’s military exercises showcase modern fighting force preparing for possible war in the Taiwan Strait
Chinese army begins 2022 training program
Cold War 2.0 has already begun — and it's going to be even scarier than the first one
Congressional seminar introduces MIT faculty to 30 Washington staffers
Could Trump’s hostility toward NATO allies be a winning strategy at home?
Deep inside busy Mar-a-Lago, a storage room where secrets were stashed
Defense firms accelerate anti-UAV tech as cheap but effective combat drones wreak havoc in Ukraine
Does Japan aspire to be a superpower?
Eleanor Freund receives Jeanne Guillemin Prize
Energy, war, and the crisis in Ukraine
Evan Lieberman on South Africa. Democracy in hard places
Forceful China response to Pelosi could backfire
From South Africa, a success story for democracy
How America’s NATO expansion obsession plays into the Ukraine crisis
International security expert on the threat of Iran plotting to kill Americans on US soil
Is Russia failing in its fight In Ukraine?
Is an armed conflict imminent?
Javelin missiles are in short supply and restocking them won't be easy
Journalism for change drives Brazilian reporter Pessoa
Jung Jae Kwon: Questioning the nuclear umbrella
Machinery of the state
Mobilizing across borders to address global challenges
North Korea launches nuclear-capable missile over Japan
North Korea prepares nuclear test as COVID-19 rips through country
North Korea will conduct another nuclear test. It's only a matter of when.
Nuclear fears intensify as Ukraine war builds. What is Putin's threshold?
Panel: ‘Protracted’ Taiwan Crisis Will ‘Percolate for Months'
Power, laws, and planning
Promoting systemic change in the Middle East, the 'MIT way'
Protests, political unrest and violent clashes plague Iran
Q&A: Climate Grand Challenges finalists on building equity and fairness into climate solutions
Q&A: Elizabeth Wood on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine
Q&A: Pouya Alimagham on the protest movement in Iran
Russia: What is Victory Day, and why is it important this May 9?
Sanctioned behavior
Shangri-La Dialogue opens in Singapore
Shinzo Abe’s influence was still evident long after he left office
South Africa since apartheid: Has democracy worked?
Street-fighting insurgency gives Ukrainians a slight edge
Taylor Fravel shares insights into China, Taiwan, and US upcoming moves with Wenchi Yu
The Abe legacy: a Japan empowered by far-reaching reforms
The US-Iran conflict: Review of “Republics of Myth”
The false promise of arming insurgents
Tipping the balance between global rivals
Traveling the world to make a global impact
Two new books take different roads to understand South Africa
US defense contractors see longer term benefits from war in Ukraine
US, UK and Australia announce expanded cooperation on hypersonics
US-Iran tensions and misperceptions
Ukraine gaining ground over Russian troops
Ukraine helped build China’s modern military, but when war came, Beijing chose Russia
Ukraine war: Is Russian defeat nothing but a 'fantasy'?
Ukrainian family in Boston hoping for de-escalation of conflict with Russia
Uncovering the rich connections between South Asia and MIT
War in Ukraine entering sixth month
What China wants from these war-games
What Russia’s invasion of Ukraine means for the world
What are the implications of the Russian attack on Ukraine?
What the world can learn from South Africa
What-if DC war game maps huge toll of a future US-China war over Taiwan
When dueling narratives deepen a divide
When politics is local in the Middle East
Where Russia’s invasion of Ukraine stands
Where things stand between the US and Russia
Why Shinzo Abe was such a towering figure in Japan
Why the US and Iran hate each other
Will the transfer of advanced weapons to Ukraine lead to a widening war?
With US focus on Ukraine, North Korea launches a powerful new ICBM
You should be scared
‘This war isn’t even close to over’: Ukrainian advances spring hope, but not victory
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War in Ukraine
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