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Analysis + Opinion

September 16, 2003

Gunning for reform

Richard J. SamuelsTime Magazine

Koizumi's muscular approach to national security may be his defining legacy.  Everyone says Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi is a "reformer." The press has variously labeled him a "maverick," a "lone wolf," "unusual" and "colorful." Certainly, Koizumi talks the talk of reform. Running for the premiership in 2001, he promised to pull up, root and branch, the causes of Japan's economic malaise.

Analysis + Opinion

September 5, 2003

UN credibility at stake

Balakrishnan Rajagopal The Hindu

To prevent a bad situation from getting worse, Kofi Annan must ask the U.S. to provide a clear time frame for a pullout as well as for the transfer of authority back to the Iraqis.

Analysis + Opinion

April 25, 2003

Europe cannot advance on two fronts

Barry R. PosenFinancial Times

Europe's political spat over the wisdom of the Iraq war has deepened scepticism about the future of the European Union's security and defense policy.

Analysis + Opinion

April 10, 2003

Flawed military model, made in the USA

Cindy WilliamsWall Street Journal Europe, p. A11

American troops entering Baghdad are not out of danger yet, and the occupation to come may take a continuing toll on the armies of the United States and Britain.

Analysis + Opinion

April 2, 2003

Transatlantic crisis will hurt arms industry

Cindy WilliamsEuropean Voice (Vo. 9, No. 13), p. 9.

Defence contractors in the United States and Europe are asking themselves what will happen to plans for transatlantic arms cooperation if relationships between the US and the continent’s great powers do not improve.

Analysis + Opinion

April 1, 2003

Paying the costs in Iraq

Cindy WilliamsKnight Ridder/Tribune News Service

Analysis + Opinion

February 6, 2003

The inspections flap: both sides are wrong

John TirmanAlterNet

This fractious debate, and the search for the weapons themselves, is a red herring--a diversion from the real reasons for war.

Analysis + Opinion

January 16, 2003

Hegemon down

John TirmanAlterNet

Bush's push for war in Iraq runs the risk of draining American global power suddenly and irrevocably.

Analysis + Opinion

October 13, 2002

Foreseeing a bloody siege in Baghdad

Barry R. PosenNew York Times

Advocates of regime change in Iraq have presented an optimistic view of the coming war. Most assert that the Iraqi military will not fight. A dazzling attack by smart weapons and computer viruses will shut down Iraq's military nervous system. Western forces will dash for key military and political centers, cutting the Iraqi military up into isolated fragments. Most troops will surrender; a few diehards will huddle with Saddam Hussein and patiently await their destruction by a second wave of smart bombs.

The war could indeed go this way, but it may not.

Analysis + Opinion

October 9, 2002

México visto desde fuera: democracia en perspectiva

Chappell LawsonReforma newspaper (Mexico City)
