News + Media

Rex Tillerson meeting with Japan

In the News

March 16, 2017

Rex Tillerson, in Japan, says US needs ‘different approach’ to North Korea

Motoko RichThe New York Times

“It’s pretty clear that there’s a perfect storm brewing for mischief in East Asia right now,” said Richard Samuels, Ford International Professor of Political Science and director of the Center for International Studies at MIT.

A peshmerga solider training near Erbil, Iraq

Analysis + Opinion

March 16, 2017

Syria Showdown: will Trump be pressured into putting Turkey first, America second?

Barry R. PosenThe National Interest

Turkey may retaliate against the United States if its desire to recapture Raqqa is denied, writes Barry Posen, Ford International Professor of Political Science and director of the MIT Security Studies Program.

Kim Jong Un

Analysis + Opinion

March 12, 2017

Is it time for our dealmaker in chief to talk with North Korea?

Jim Walsh Fox News Opinion

North Korea’s recent missile tests will put new pressure on the Trump administration to choose a strategy for dealing with this pesky proliferator.

A Terminal High Altitude Area Defense interceptor was successfully tested at an undisclosed location in the United States in 2013.

In the News

March 11, 2017

Why US antimissile system in South Korea worries China

Chris BuckleyThe New York Times

“China is probably confident in its ability to be able to retaliate, but given the size and sophistication of US nuclear forces and the steady development of ballistic missile defenses, coupled with China’s small nuclear arsenal, the margin for error is thin,” said Taylor Fravel and Fiona Cunningham.

US-Japan Flags

Analysis + Opinion

March 9, 2017

US-Japan relationship: past, present, and future

Richard Samuels

Richard Samuels spoke at the Center for Strategic and International Studies on the past, present, and future of the US-Japan relationship. Samuels has written widely on Tokyo’s grand strategy, on the events of 3/11 in Fukushima, and is now working on a book on the Japanese intelligence community. Read transcript

President Trump visited the Central Intelligence Agency in Langley, Va., in January. Officials have not ruled out the possibility that the leaker was an agency employee.

In the News

March 8, 2017

CIA scrambles to contain damage from WikiLeaks documents

Matthew Rosenberg, Scott Shane, and Adam GoldmanThe New York Times

Investigators say that the leak was the work of a disaffected insider. Joel Brenner, senior research fellow at CIS and formerly the country’s top counterintelligence official, suggests that the intelligence agencies need to assess the advisability of sharing secrets widely inside their walls.

Eran Ben-Joseph is the new faculty advisor of the MIT-Israel Program.


March 8, 2017

MIT-Israel welcomes new faculty advisor

Caroline KnoxMIT News

MIT professor Eran Ben-Joseph, head of the Department of Urban Studies and Planning, has joined the MIT-Israel Program’s current faculty director, Christine Ortiz, the Morris Cohen Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, as the program’s co-director. 

WikiLeaks said it obtained an alleged arsenal of hacking tools the CIA has used to spy on espionage targets.

In the News

March 7, 2017

FBI prepares for new hunt for WikiLeaks’ source

Devlin BarrettThe Washington Post

“Anybody who thinks that the Manning and Snowden problems were one-offs is just dead wrong,’’ said Joel Brenner, former head of U.S. counterintelligence at the office of the Director of National Intelligence. Brenner is a senior research fellow at CIS. 

military tank burning money

Analysis + Opinion

March 6, 2017

Trump’s military budget minus a plan

Caitlin TalmadgeThe New York Times

President Trump called to revitalize the United States military, with a 10 percent increase in the defense budget. Such proposals make for a snappy sound bite, yet in the absence of a coherent national strategy, arbitrary increases in the defense budget will do little to make America safer, and could make the world more dangerous.

Barry Posen


February 28, 2017

Posen receives ISA Distinguished Scholar Award

The Center is thrilled to announce that Barry Posen was the recipient of the 2017 International Security Studies Section 2017 Distinguished Scholar Award from the International Studies Association (ISA). There was a roundtable in his honor at the annual ISA conference in February 2017 in Baltimore, MD.
