News + Media

Analysis + Opinion

May 30, 2017

Some of the top political science journals are biased against women. Here’s the evidence.

Dawn Langan Teele and Kathleen ThelenThe Washington Post

For our study in PS, we collected information on all articles published by 10 top journals over the past 15 years. The data shows that they publish a lower proportion of articles written by women than there are women in the discipline as a whole.

Jim Walsh

In the News

May 25, 2017

Halting intelligence


Jim Walsh, from MIT's Security Studies Program, discusses the effects that intelligence changes could have on the US—and politicians who take the term “beat the press” literally.

Taylor Fravel

News Release

May 24, 2017

Fravel named acting director of the MIT Center for International Studies

M. Taylor Fravel, associate professor of political science and member of the Security Studies Program at MIT, will become acting director of the MIT Center for International Studies while Richard Samuels is on sabbatical leave.

In the News

May 24, 2017

Vipin Narang: On the brinkmanship beat

Leda ZimmermanMIT News

Narang, who specializes in nuclear security, proliferation, and deterrence, is closely monitoring the ongoing rivalry between India and Pakistan, and the alarming, increasingly bellicose sparring between North Korea and the United States...

John Tirman on immigration and costs of war

In the News

May 22, 2017

How political science contributes to national policies on immigration and military conflict

MIT SHASS CommunicationsMIT News

"It is remarkable that we do not measure the costs of war in any meaningful way," says John Tirman. "I suggest that Congress establish a conflict impact assessment during or after each war to bring home the true costs of armed conflict."

MISTI Student


May 18, 2017

"Mens et manus" goes global

MIT News

The MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI) program will send students to six continents this summer. Through MISTI, MIT students learn about new cultures and explore techniques for solving the world’s challenges…

Joel Brenner Cybersecurity

In the News

May 18, 2017

Patching the electric grid

Rachel LayneMIT Technology Review

“For the sake of efficiencies…we have created tremendous risk for ourselves,” warns Joel Brenner, the principal author of the MIT report on cybersecurity. Now, he says, people are waking up to the danger.

North Korea Nuclear Diplomacy

In the News

May 17, 2017

Walsh on North Korea nuclear issues

Mark GoldbergGlobal Dispatches

James Walsh discusses nuclear diplomacy with North Korea in respect to the recently elected Moon Jae-In as president of South Korea. Listen to the Global Dispatches podcast. 

US Mexico Starr Forum

In the News

May 16, 2017

US and Mexico: What’s the way forward?

Peter DizikesMIT News

Over the past two years, US-Mexico relations have taken a distinctive turn, largely stemming from the agenda President Donald Trump has brought to US politics...The MIT Starr Forum offers a look at how the neighboring countries could revive relations.

Activities Spring 2017


May 10, 2017


CIS publishes report on cybersecurity; Technology and national security expert joins CIS; Ban Ki Moon visits CIS; Nielsen receives Carnegie fellowship; Starr Forums address foreign policy challenges in the Trump era; MIT Day of Action talk by Dan Pomeroy; MISTI funds over 80 MIT faculty projects; MIT-Israel welcomes new faculty advisor; SSP Wednesday seminars
