News + Media


News Release

July 3, 2007

Australian journalist named Neuffer Fellow, joins CIS

Sally Sara, anchor and senior reporter for the Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), has received the Elizabeth Neuffer Fellowship. Sara is the third recipient of the annual fellowship, which gives a woman journalist working in print, broadcast, or online media the opportunity to focus exclusively on human rights journalism.


July 1, 2007

Fewer missions, not more troops

Benjamin H Friedman, MIT

A bipartisan consensus wants to expand the American ground forces. But the expansion serves a failed strategy that relies on military occupations and state-building to fight terrorism. A better strategy is to avoid these missions and the troop expansion.

In the News

July 1, 2007

Book Review Roundtable: Kenneth B. Pyle's Japan Rising and Richard J. Samuels' Securing Japan

T.J. Pempel, Mike M. Mochizuki, Ming Wan, Christopher W. Hughes, Richard J. Samuels, and Kenneth B. PyleAsia Policy

The authors of these excellent books on Japanese grand strategy traverse beyond their home disciplines. The historian Kenneth B. Pyle explains shifts in Japan by applying a political science theory that argues that the international system shapes a country's domestic institutions as well as its external behavior. The political scientist Richard J. Samuels places the current Japanese debates about strategy in a broad historical context to "connect the ideological dots" of national discourse over nearly 150 years of history. Both books seek to assess the degree and nature of change in Japanese strategy, to explain this change, and to suggest where Japan might be headed. Although there is much about which Pyle and Samuels agree, there are also some significant differences.

Analysis + Opinion

May 28, 2007

'24' on the brain

Kelly M. GreenhillLos Angeles Times

Torture is a staple on the popular show. Are Americans able to separate fact from fiction?

News Release

May 14, 2007

New book details key changes in the staffing of western militaries

Dramatic changes are underway for the men and women of the armed forces of North America and Europe, according to a new book,Service to Country: Personnel Policy and the Transformation of Western Militaries.


May 1, 2007

Turkey: misperceptions and the healing touch of democracy

Dogu Ergil, Ankara University

Mass demonstrations in late April brought out hundreds of thousands of people in Ankara and perhaps a million people one week later in Istanbul, an awesome scene on both occasions. Demonstrations of lesser scale are underway in smaller cities like Canakkale and Manisa—a trend to continue until early elections scheduled for July 22. 


May 1, 2007

Internally displaced populations: the paradox of national responsibility

Francis M Deng

The general assumption of the international system is that those who have been forced to flee from their countries of origin due to conflict, human rights abuse and persecution, and have crossed international borders and become refugees, have lost the protection of their own governments and are therefore the legitimate concern of the international community.



May 1, 2007

Paying for homeland security: show me the money

Cindy Williams, MIT

In January 2003, the Bush administration drew 22 disparate agencies and some 170,000 employees into a new Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Proponents of the reorganization hoped a single department under a single cabinet secretary would foster unity of effort across a substantial portion of the federal activities related to domestic security.   

News Release

April 27, 2007

Broad Institute hosts screening of CIS scholar's film on Iraq

No End in Sight: The American Occupation of Iraq, a film directed by Charles Ferguson, visiting scholar at MIT's Center for International Studies, will be screened for the public in the auditorium of the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard on Wednesday, May 2, at 6 p.m.

Analysis + Opinion

April 19, 2007

The risks of staying vs. leaving Iraq

Barry PosenBoston Globe

Supporters of the war in Iraq, including most recently Senator John McCain, tell us that a series of awful consequences will certainly result if US forces disengage. This argument is offered with great confidence. Yet the costs of disengagement are less certain than is often argued, and the United States can reduce the risks that these costs will arise - and limit their consequences if they do.
