News + Media

Trump holding a plate of food surrounded by US Troops - OLIVIER DOULIERY/AFP/GETTY IMAGES

In the News

November 19, 2020

Ending the forever wars, by any means necessary

Jacob SilvermanThe New Republic

Barry Posen quoted: “The president expressed his desire to end these wars when he came into office four years ago,” said Barry Posen. “Where was he in the last four years?” “There’s no real hope that there’s a happy ending that’s possible here,” Posen said. “In my view, there was no hope three or four years ago.”

Deadline Ahead Road Sign


November 13, 2020

Student deadlines for Boren and Carnegie fellowships

The Center has several upcoming student fellowship deadlines, including: The 2021 Boren Awards which include applications for fellowships due on January 27, 2021 at 5:00 PM EST, and applications for scholarships due February 3, 2021 at 5:00 pm EST. Nominations for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace are due to the James C Gaither Junior Fellows Program by January 15th. CIS must receive the applications by December 15, 2020. For more details, click on the respective sponsors or visit our Fellowships and Grants page. 

Surveillance Technology Image


November 12, 2020

Eight students receive Human Rights and Technology Program fellowships

The Center is thrilled to announce that eight students, including one two-person team, are being awarded Human Rights & Technology Fellowships in the program’s third year.  Three undergraduates and five graduates will be exploring human rights issues that are either aided or exploited through the use of technology, including cryptotechnology, surveillance technology, social media, and internet censorship.


Jim Walsh

Analysis + Opinion

November 12, 2020

The future of the Iran nuclear deal

WBUR, Here and Now

President Trump pulled the US out of the deal signed in 2015 with Germany, France, Britain, China and Russia. But president-elect Joe Biden is promising to reverse Trump's decision.


Ayesha Ng

In the News

November 9, 2020

Aspiring physician explores the many levels of human health

Alison Gold, School of ScienceMIT News

During her time at MIT, senior Ayesha Ng’s interests have expanded from cellular biology to the social systems that shape public health. To pursue her interest in brain research and the societal impact of brain injuries, Ng traveled to the University of Hong Kong the summer after her first year as an MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI) China Fung Scholar.

Joe Biden

In the News

November 8, 2020

India looks to continuity in ties under Biden, experts expect rebalancing in some areas

Rezaul H LaskarHindustan Times

Vipin Narang quoted: The India-US relationship stands to benefit as it is one that Washington won’t have to repair post-Trump, said Vipin Narang. “In general, it will likely be more of the same, since the relationship continued its steady progress despite Trump disrupting relations with other partners such as Germany and South Korea,” Narang said.

Photo of protester for the International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons

Analysis + Opinion

November 5, 2020

What the nuclear ban treaty means for America's allies

Heather WilliamsWar on the Rocks

Whether or not the treaty delivers on its disarmament promises or has a major impact on US or NATO nuclear postures ultimately depends on what its members and supporters do next and if it can prove that it is more than just a symbolic protest against the nuclear status quo.

IPL and MIT photos side by side

In the News

November 3, 2020

Transatlantic research and study partnership continues amid the pandemic


This year, the fund is calling on researchers at each institution to submit proposals that address climate solutions and zero pollution. “The fund’s new focus on climate change is fundamentally important,” agrees Phil Budden, senior lecturer at MIT Sloan and co-director of the MIT-UK program at MISTI. “Not least as the UK will host the UN's 26th ‘Conference of the Parties’ (COP26) in Glasgow, in November next year.

Xi dada and daddy Xi

In the News

November 2, 2020

Power, the party, and the president: Xi's revolutionary past

China and the World

To discuss how Xi’s revolutionary past is shaping China’s future, we’re joined by the Chinawatchers' Chinawatchers, Frederick Teiwes from the University of Sydney and Joseph Torigian from American University in Washington DC.

Richard Samuels, Susan Hennessey, Neeti Nair, Daniel ZIblatt, Steven Levitsky

In the News

October 30, 2020

Democracy in distress?

Peter DizikesMIT News

Experts analyze a global trend: democratic governments that collapse from within while maintaining a veneer of legitimacy.
