News + Media

 North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in a photo released last week by the Korean Central News Agency. Photo: kcna/kns/Agence France-Presse/Getty Images

In the News

July 31, 2019

North Korea conducts second weapons test in under a week

Timothy W Martin and Andrew JeongThe Wall Street Journal

Quoted: Vipin Narang said the test sends a message of frustration over the US-South Korea drill without derailing diplomacy with Mr Trump. “It’s a reminder that during this whole process, North Korea continues to improve and expand its missile and nuclear-weapons arsenal.”

The University of Regensburg campus hosts faculty workshops, Global Teaching Labs, and Global Startup Labs as part of their partnership with MIT.  Photo: University of Regensburg


July 30, 2019

University of Regensburg and MIT-Germany expand partnership


A new agreement includes student programming, workshops, seed funds, and another five years of growing collaboration.  “The creation of a dedicated seed fund is an exciting new piece of our partnership,” says Justin Leahey, MIT-Germany program manager. “It will be a great complement to our workshops and will further strengthen MIT’s ties with the University of Regensburg.” 

NK Missile

In the News

July 25, 2019

North Korean missile launch a 'new type of threat,' South Korea says

Zachary Cohen, Nicole Gaouette, Sophie Jeong, Barbara StarrCNN

Quoted: "Trump's trip to Panmunjom didn't have its desired effect," Vipin Narang. "There's no date for working level talks. Instead, they're still testing—Kim is touring potentially nuclear capable submarines and firing" missiles. Narang said that based on initial descriptions early Thursday, at least one of the projectiles was likely a solid-fuel ballistic missile that's been jokingly dubbed the Kimskander, a portmanteau of Kim and the Iskander missile which experts say the North Korean weapon was likely based on.


Truump and Xi

In the News

July 25, 2019

China says the US is undermining global stability

Dandan LiBloomberg

Quoted: This year’s white paper “was the first to be much more explicit about Chinese concerns regarding the United States,” said Taylor Fravel. “The references to the US reflect the deepening tensions and rivalry between the two countries.”

U.S. President Donald Trump and Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan speak to the media in the Oval Office at the White House in Washington on July 22. Mark Wilson/Getty Images

In the News

July 24, 2019

How Pakistan is playing Washington—again

Michael Hirsh, Lara SeligmanForeign Policy

Quoted: “They are so good at this game—literally rope a dope,” Vipin Narang. “Their incentive is to bait and bleed the United States and extract as many goodies (at one point a nuclear arsenal) out of us as they can. And we have been baited and bled for 40 years. This is the most profitable franchise in Pakistani history.”

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un inspects a newly built submarine at an undisclosed location in this undated picture released Tuesday. | REUTERS

In the News

July 23, 2019

Kim Jong Un inspects submarine that experts fear could carry far-reaching missiles

Nick VisserHuffington Post

Vipin Narang, quoted in this article, said “For now these are just pics. But the fact that the KCNA release is littered with the word ‘strategic’ suggests Kim wants us to believe that is a possible SLBM.”

India's Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar gestures as he speaks in New Delhi, India June 6, 2019. India's Foreign Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar gestures as he speaks in New Delhi, India June 6, 2019.

In the News

July 23, 2019

Delhi denies asking Trump to mediate Kashmir dispute

Steve HermanVOA News

Quoted: Trump not only blew past that red line, he threw masala on the wound by suggesting that Modi asked him to mediate, which is likely 1,000 percent a lie, argues Vipin Narang. With US-India relations already struggling and India’s S-400 missile purchase (from Russia), this just added fuel to the fire, he added.

John Tirman

In the News

July 22, 2019

3Q: John Tirman on a new US human rights commission

Michelle EnglishMIT News

John Tirman, executive director and principal research scientist at MIT CIS, provides context behind the newly created commission by US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and describes its potential impact on the human rights movement.

Jim Walsh

In the News

July 19, 2019

Iran denies US claims about drone attack

Eric WesterveltWBUR Here & Now

Iran denied President Trump's statement that a US warship destroyed an Iranian drone near the Persian Gulf after it threatened the ship.  SSP's Jim Walsh weighs in on the new escalation of tensions between the US and Iran.

Richard Samuels

In the News

July 16, 2019

Special duty: A history of the Japanese intelligence community

In Special Duty, Richard J Samuels dissects the fascinating history of the intelligence community in Japan. It has been cited as "a masterpiece" that offers "much needed insight to academics and policymakers."
