News + Media

President Trump on Oct 16 confirmed the existence of US nuclear weapons at Incirlik Air Base in Turkey.

In the News

October 16, 2019

Trump appears to confirm US nukes are in Turkey, an admission that would break with longstanding protocol

Aaron BlakeThe Washington Post

Vipin Narang quoted: “Incirlik is Turkey’s air base, not ours,” Narang said. “And that is essentially the problem. We store these nuclear weapons in secure vaults on a Turkish air base, where we either have to secure them under the present circumstances, or bring transport aircraft to the base, move them on a Turkish air base and then fly them out of Turkish airspace if we wanted to extract them. Under the present circumstances, that is not a simple logistical or security feat.”

Joel Brenner, former inspector general for the National Security Agency.

In the News

October 15, 2019

Former inspector general on Trump & republicans attacking the whistleblower

MSNBCThe Last Word with Lawrence O'Donnell

President Trump is demanding the whistleblower whose complaint led to the current impeachment inquiry be revealed. Lawrence O'Donnell talks to Joel Brenner about why the law protects a whistleblower's right to anonymity and what Trump's attacks could mean for future whistleblowers.

In the News

October 15, 2019

Tests and temptations: The nuclear balance in Asia


Vipin Narang of the MIT Department of Political Science joins Trevor Thrall and guest host Eric Gomez to discuss nuclear trends and the nuclear balance in Asia.

 A Turkish military aircraft takes off from İncirlik airbase, where the US has about 50 nuclear bombs. Photograph: Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

In the News

October 14, 2019

US nuclear bombs at Turkish airbase complicate rift over Syria invasion

Julian Borger and Jennifer RankinThe Guardian

Vipin Narang quoted: Removing the weapons would not be straightforward. “Extracting them under these circumstances may be incredibly risky since it would involve removing 50 nuclear weapons from the vaults, moving them on a Turkish base and flying them out of Turkish airspace,” Narang said. “They could be vulnerable to accidents, theft or attack.”

News Release

October 10, 2019

MIT Policy Lab at the Center for International Studies issues fifth call for proposals to faculty and researchers

MIT announces today the fifth Call for Proposals from the Policy Lab at the Center for International Studies, which encourages academically informed solutions to major public policy challenges.

A new book, by MIT political scientist Richard Samuels, examines the past and future of Japanese intelligence services in a rapidly shifting world.  Image of Richard Samuels by Donna Coveney

In the News

October 8, 2019

A look at Japan’s evolving intelligence efforts

Peter DizikesMIT News

A new book, by MIT political scientist Richard Samuels, examines the past and future of Japanese intelligence services in a rapidly shifting world.

In the News

October 6, 2019

North Korea doubts US will have alternative plans inside two weeks

Ju-min Park, Josh SmithReuters

Vipin Narang quoted in Reuters:  Vipin Narang added that North Korea is also buying time to continue to expand and improve its missile and nuclear force, and negotiate the terms by which it is accepted as a nuclear weapons power. “If that’s the case, their best strategy is to dangle the hope of a fictional future deal but stall on actual negotiations, let alone crafting or implementing any such deal,” Narang said.

Military solider with plane

In the News

October 5, 2019

Opening the arsenal

The Economist

Owen Cote quoted: The jl-2 does not have the range of the DF-41. It could "at best attack Seattle" says Owen Cote of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, because the noisy Jin-class subs would struggle to range beyond the Yellow Sea without being detected. But China is developing new missiles and subs to remedy this.

Jim Walsh

In the News

October 4, 2019

North Korea escalates missile tests

Peter O'DowdWBUR Here & Now

This week, North Korea confirmed it test-fired a new type of a ballistic missile, a significant escalation from the short-range tests it has conducted since May.  Jim Walsh speaks with Here & Now about what the new tests and escalations might mean.

Vipin Narang


October 4, 2019

Narang receives the ISSS "Emerging Scholar" award

We are pleased to announce that Associate Professor Vipin Narang has won this year’s “Emerging Scholar” award from the International Studies Association’s International Security Section.
