News@E40 | 2015

Mayumi Fukushima


November 4, 2015

Useful Guide to Using Japanese Government Archives

Mayumi Fukushima, a PhD student in the MIT Department of Political Science's Security Studies Program, has published a very useful guide to using Japanese government archives on the widely used H-Diplo. "As a former Japanese Foreign Service officer, I did not imagine how hard it would be for outside researchers to identify and find archival documents relevant to their research questions. It was not until I searched the Japanese diplomatic archives myself as an academic that I learned the challenges foreign researchers faced in accessing governmental documents," says Fukushima. Full Publication

Generation Global


October 20, 2015

MIT Generation Global 2015

MIT Generation Global is a fellowship program for MIT students who are passionate about solving global problems and want to share that passion with local high school students. This year's participating high school was Prospect Hill Academy (PHA) in Central Square, Cambridge. MIT Generation Global brought together a team of two MIT students, a PHA faculty member, and a K-12 curriculum expert to design and facilitate a two-week, problem-based program for a group of PHA high school students. The program culminated July 10 in a public event where the high school students presented their solutions to healthcare scarcity to a panel of experts. Watch video

Henry Luce Foundation


October 1, 2015

Luce Fellowship deadline Oct. 22

Thursday, October 22, is the deadline for the Luce Scholars Program. Young scholars from a wide variety of intellectual fields will be placed in 10-month internships in selected countries in Asia. The fellowship is aimed for those with no prior experience in the region. Nominees must be American citizens not yet 30 years old on July 1, 2016, and who have earned at least a bachelor's degree or expect to receive one by July 1, 2016. More information


September 16, 2015

Secrecy, surveillance, privacy, and IR

The Center convened a meeting on "Secrecy, Surveillance, Privacy, and International Relations," in April 2015. The two-day seminar included talks from multiple experts working in such fields as academia, journalism, and law. Topics included: secrecy norms, technology, case studies, and relevance to international relations. The conference memos are available here.


August 27, 2015

General Dunford visits CIS

General Joseph Dunford, Jr. visited the MIT Center for International Studies on August 27, 2015. General Dunford met with Richard Samuels, Ford International Professor of Political Science and director of CIS, Paul Heer, CIS Robert E Wilhelm Fellow and former National Intelligence Officer for East Asia, and Taylor Fravel, associate professor of political science at MIT, to discuss East Asian security.


June 2, 2015

Armenian genocide and Armenia today

On May 13, 2015, the Center on the United States and Europe at the Brookings Institution, the Center for International Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the Hrant Dink Memorial Human Rights and Justice Lectureship at MIT, and the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace held a conference on the Armenian genocide at the Brookings Institution in Washington, DC. The aim of the conference was to inform public debate on the evolution of the Armenian genocide. Conference panelists represented a diversity of expertise and experience, but all shared in their scholarly approach to examining the events of 1915 and the critical issues affecting Armenia today. Read full report

Richard Samuels


March 25, 2015

Einstein Foundation interviews Samuels

Richard Samuels, Ford International Professor of Political Science and Director of CIS, is also an Einstein Visiting Fellow, Graduate School of East Asian Studies, at the Einstein Foundation in Berlin. The Einstein Foundation featured a Q&A with Samuels that is available here: Read more

David Dolev


March 4, 2015

Dolev receives MIT excellence award

David Dolev, assistant director of the MISTI and managing director of the MIT-Israel PRogram, was honored with the Excellence Award for Advancing Inclusion and Global Perspectives in recognition of the programs he has developed that promote greater understanding across the MIT community and beyond. His inventive program MISTI 2.0 is designed to develop MIT students into dynamic leaders with a global perspective. In the MIT-Israel Program, he has created opportunities for hundreds of MIT students to work and do research in Israel, a pioneer in fields like energy and the environment. In the MIT-MEET Program, Dolev helps recruit and prepare MIT students to promote interaction and camaraderie between Israeli and Palestinian high-school students as they bond around a passion for new technologies. Read more

Ranil Wickremesinghe


January 9, 2015

Wickremesinghe elected PM of Sri Lanka

The Center is thrilled to announce that Ranil Wickremesinghe was recently elected prime minister of Sri Lanka. Wickremesinghe was a CIS Robert E. Wilhelm Fellow in the spring of 2014. While at MIT, he focused on how to formulate a constitution sans an executive presidency. He also worked with faculty and students interested in Asian regional issues. In addition, he was the key speaker at Starr Forum: The Indian Ocean: The Vortex of Destiny. Wickremesinghe was prime minister of Sri Lanka twice before, from May 7, 1993 to August 19, 1994, and from December 9, 2001 to April 6, 2004.