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A discussion that addresses US allies and ISIS.
About the Speakers:
Moderator: Barry R. Posen is Ford International Professor of Political Science at MIT and director of the MIT Security Studies Program. His research interest is US grand strategy and national security policy. He also focuses on US military strategy, force structure and capabilities, and force posture (the global distribution of U.S. military forces.) His most recent book is Restraint: A New Foundation for U.S. Grand Strategy.
Sarah Leah Whitson is executive director of Human Rights Watch's Middle East and North Africa Division. She has led dozens of advocacy and investigative missions throughout the region, focusing on issues of armed conflict, accountability, legal reform, migrant workers, and political rights. She has published widely on human rights in the Middle East in international and regional media.
Kristin Fabbe is an assistant professor in the business, government, and international economy unit at Harvard Business School. Her research interests center on the politics of identity (religion, gender, and nationalism), historical institutionalism, and the political economy of development. Her regional expertise is in the Middle East and southeastern Europe, with a focus on Turkey and attention to Greece, Cyprus, Iraq, and Egypt.
The event is organized by the Center for International Studies and the MIT Security Studies Program
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