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Analysis + Opinion

May 22, 2009

Post-war Sri Lanka must uphold rights

Balakrishnan RajagopalThe Baltimore Sun

The Sri Lankan government's stunning defeat of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam was as swift as it was unusual in world history. Rarely has a government won so decisive a military victory against a long-running domestic armed group. However, this victory has come at a steep price.


May 15, 2009

Symposium issues statement on Palestinian issue

The Israeli government should end the blockade of Gaza and negotiate with Hamas, and President Obama should engage more constructively on the Palestinian issue-including a demand to end the expansion of Israeli settlements-were among the findings and recommendations of a MIT-Harvard symposium on Gaza. The statement was issued a few days prior to President Obama's meeting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The symposium, which was co-sponsored by CIS, convened on March 30-31, 2009. Among the participants were Rep. Brian Baird (D-WA); Richard Falk, UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territories; Karma Nabulsi, Oxford University and former PLO representative; Meron Benvenisti, former Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem; Craig Mokhiber, Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights; and Husam Zomlot, a Palestinian diplomat.
Joint Statement | Press Release


News Release

May 15, 2009

MIT-Harvard Gaza Symposium issues statement on Palestinian issue

The Israeli government should end the blockade of Gaza and negotiate with Hamas, and President Obama should engage more constructively on the Palestinian issue—including a demand to end the expansion of Israeli settlements—were among the findings and recommendations of a MIT-Harvard symposium on Gaza.


May 7, 2009

Four 'CIS Students' receive Fulbrights

Four students affiliated with the Center have received 2009-10 Fulbright Fellowships: Nathan Cisneros, Greg Distelhorst, Erica Dobbs, and Gabrielle Kruks-Wisner. The students—all doctoral candidates in the political science department—are among 13 from MIT that received the scholarship. Cisneros will travel to Japan to examine the persisting dualism between workers with job protection and good wages with those without such security. Distelhorst will visit two southern Chinese manufacturing centers to investigate how local government and private firms have responded to new laws that improve labor conditions and expand worker rights while raising operational costs for employers. Dobbs will examine the role labor unions play in integrating recent immigrants into their communities in Ireland and Spain. And Kruks-Wisner will travel to India to complete her dissertation research on local governance institutions in rural India. Related news story» 


May 1, 2009


MISTI Global Seed Funds Program selected its first recipients in spring 2009; CIS welcomes Devon Cone, who joined the Center in the fall as a research associate working closely with executive director and principal research scientist John Tirman; MIT scholars offer advice to President Obama; CIS releases DVD: "Mind, Hand, World"; The Center's publications, Audit of the Conventional Wisdom and its bi-annual newsletter précis, are now exclusively available online.


May 1, 2009

End Notes

End Notes features the professional achievements of our scholars, students, and staff. This includes recent awards, speaking engagements, and publications.


May 1, 2009

précis Interview: Fotini Christia

Fotini Christia joined the MIT faculty in fall 2008 as assistant professor in political science. Her current work at MIT, how to achieve "success" in Afghanistan, and what Iranians think about Americans are among the topics she addresses.

Learning to Be Capitalists book cover


May 1, 2009

Learning to be capitalists

By Annette Kim

Why have some countries transitioned to capitalism so rapidly? How did they change their economies so fundamentally when so many reform efforts in developing countries have been ineffective? The conundrum has grown the last two decades...with varying results.


May 1, 2009

Starr Forum on U.S.-Iran relations

Should the U.S. build better relations with Iran? Can we live with a nuclear Iran? Do the Iranian presidential elections provide new opportunities for dialogue? A panel of international security and foreign policy experts will address such issues at a Starr Forum on Tuesday, May 5. Our featured speakers are: Jim Walsh, a research associate at the CIS Security Studies Program (SSP) at MIT, and Suzanne DiMaggio, director of the Asia Society. Stephen Heintz, president of Rockefeller Bros. Fund, will serve as the discussant and Barry Posen, Ford International Professor of Political Science and director of SSP, will chair. More details»


May 1, 2009

Thinking clearly about China's economic statecraft

By William Norris

One of the most important phenomena characterizing the international environment today is the rise of China. At $3.4 trillion, China's economy is the third largest in the world and continues to grow rapidly.
