News + Media

Analysis + Opinion

February 11, 2012

Cutting aid to Africa won't help gay rights

Jackee Budesta BatandaBoston Globe

Despite its objections to anti-homosexuality bills, the United States is wrong to make LGBT discrimination the heart of its foreign aid policy. In cases where embargoes have been imposed on countries, it is ordinary people - not government officials - who face the brunt of the embargoes. 


February 10, 2012

Meet the PEGS fellows

The Center's Program on Environmental Governance and Sustainability (PEGS) offers fellowships for full-time graduate students enrolled at MIT. The theme for the current fellowship is synergies to promote environmental quality and sustainable development.


February 9, 2012

IUCIM and CIS honor Sharon Stanton Russell

Sharon Stanton Russell, a mainstay of migration studies at MIT and the Inter-University Committee on International Migration, was honored with a IUCIM symposium and dinner on February 7 at CIS. Russell, who had a long association with the late CIS director Myron Weiner, a leading migration theorist, has been a leader of IUCIM for fifteen years. She has made major contributions to migration studies, including pioneering work on remittances for the World Bank. Among other works, she was co-editor with Weiner of Demography and National Security. Russell has also had long associations with the University of Sussex, the United Nations, and the National Academy of Sciences. The Feb 7 symposium featured presentations by six Committee members: Karen Jacobsen (Tufts), Nazli Choucri (MIT), Robert Lucas (Boston U.), Peggy Levitt (Wellesley), John Harris (Boston U.), and Luise Druke (Harvard Law School). Michael Teitelbaum, another collaborator on cutting edge research with Russell, led a number of accolades at the dinner. 

Analysis + Opinion

January 18, 2012

Russia's anti-Putin protests

Elizabeth WoodBoston Globe

Will these protests lead to regime change, or will Putin hold on? Will they have long-term effects on the Russian political scene, or will they fizzle out?

Analysis + Opinion

January 3, 2012

The forgotten wages of war

John TirmanNew York Times

We rarely question that wars cause extensive damage, but our view of America’s wars has been blind to one specific aspect of destruction: the human toll of those who live in war zones.

Analysis + Opinion

November 19, 2011

Ugandans wonder: is US after Kony, or oil?

Jackee Budesta BatandaBoston Globe

Ugandans greeted President Obama’s decision last month to deploy 100 US military advisers to central Africa to assist in the manhunt for rebel leader Joseph Kony with mixed feelings. 


November 11, 2011

Is national security affordable?

Cindy Williams, Principal Research Scientist at the MIT Security Studies Program, has just written a new report, "The Future Affordability of US National Security." The report addresses how much the United States might realistically afford to spend in the future on defense and security.

Richard Samuels

News Release

November 4, 2011

Samuels receives the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star

The Japanese Government announced that the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star, will be conferred upon Professor Richard J. Samuels, in recognition of his significant contributions to scholarship about Japan and for promoting friendly relations between Japan and the United States. Samuels is currently conducting research in Japan and will receive the decoration from Prime Minister Noda on November 7, and will be presented to the Emperor of Japan at the Imperial Palace.

In the News

November 2, 2011

How cutting Pentagon spending will fix US defense strategy

Benjamin FriedmanForeign Affairs

Austerity is the best possible auditor.


November 1, 2011

précis Interview: Chappell Lawson

Chappell Lawson, associate professor of political science and member of CIS, was recently named director of the MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI). Among the topics discussed are his new role at MISTI and his recent service in Washington at US Customs and Border Protection.
