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May 3, 2013

Why China and India probably won't clash over border dispute

Max FisherWashington Post

Both China and India have claimed the Maryland-sized territory of Aksai Chin near India's northeast border for decades, and even fought a brief war over it in 1962. But the issue was mostly calm until about three weeks ago. 

Elizabeth Wood


May 1, 2013

Wood's 'Putin' piece among most read

Elizabeth Wood, MIT professor of history and director of the MIT-Russia Program, has been recognized for writing one of the top 10 most read articles in Slavic journals for the year 2012. Brill Publishers made the announcement and is allowing free access to the top 10 articles from May 1 to July 1, 2013. Professor Wood's piece is available here: Performing Memory: Vladimir Putin and the Celebration of World War II in Russia. Congratulations!


May 1, 2013

précis Interview: Cindy Williams, principal research scientist, security studies program, MIT

Cindy Williams, principal research scientist at the Security Studies Program, discusses with précis the budget deficit, including military spending, DOD personnel costs, sequestration, and President Obama's recently proposed budget.

Cyberpolitics in International Relations


May 1, 2013

Cyberpolitics in international relations

By Nazli Choucri

Nazli Choucri, professor of political science, describes in her book that cyberspace is "a venue of unprecedented opportunity, a source of vulnerability, a disturbance in the familiar international order, and a venue of potential threat to national security."

Graham Denyer Willis


May 1, 2013

The right to kill?

By Graham Denyer Willis

Across political and social thinking, the idea that the state has the right to kill its own citizens is rarely contested. From Hobbes to Weber and Mbembe, it is explicit or implied that states decide the conditions under which citizens can, and indeed should, die in order to preserve sovereignty.


May 1, 2013


The bombing heard round the world?; China and Japan remain miles apart on uninhabited isles; Sharon Stanton Russell, 68, died peacefully on February 27, 2013, after a prolonged illness; MIT political scientist examines Japanese stasis after nuclear meltdown at Fukushima.


May 1, 2013


"National Security in a Time of Austerity," was the the seminar for senior congressional and executive branch staff held April 3-5, 2013, and hosted for the first time by SSP; A total of 97 faculty international research projects have received $1.99 million in funding from the 2012-2013 MISTI Global Seed Funds competition; The Center announced sixteen recipients of its summer study grants; Elizabeth Wood has been recognized for writing one of the top ten most read articles in Slavic journals for the year 2012; Rebecca Ochoa, from CIS Headquarters, received an Infinite Mile Award from SHASS; CIS audits UAV drone use.


May 1, 2013

End Notes

End Notes features the professional achievements of our scholars, students, and staff. This includes recent awards, speaking engagements, and publications.


April 23, 2013

CIS staff joins human chain

At 2:50 pm on Monday, April 22, the state of Massachusetts paused in silence to honor the victims of the attacks and their families. "At the same time, hundreds of people linked hands and formed a human chain on Vassar Street from the MIT Police Station to the memorial where Officer Collier was slain, outside the MIT Stata Center. Those attending formed a continuous chain stretching more than eight-tenths of a mile, blocking traffic at the busy intersection with Massachusetts Avenue," reports the The Tech. Several CIS staff members joined the human chain.


April 20, 2013

CIS awards 16 summer study grants

The Center is pleased to announce the recipients of its summer study grants. The grants are being awarded to sixteen doctoral students in international affairs at MIT. Each will receive up to $3,000 for summer studies, which may be used for fieldwork, archival research, or home-based research and write-up. Criteria for the awards include the importance of the research question, the quality of the research proposal, and strong letters of support.
