News + Media


January 11, 2016

Summer study grants

Doctoral students in international affairs may apply for summer support for dissertation research. Research on a broad range of international issues will be considered. Support may be requested either for fieldwork and/or archival research, or for home-based research and writeup. Grants will not exceed $3,500. The deadline for applications is Monday, March 14. More information about the CIS Summer Study Grant is available here.

Analysis + Opinion

January 4, 2016

Saudi allies sever ties with Iran

Jim WalshWBUR: Here & Now

The execution of a Shiite cleric by Saudi Arabia on Saturday sparked violent anti-Saudi protests in Iran yesterday. In response, Saudi Arabia severed diplomatic ties with Iran last night, and allies including Sudan and Bahrain followed suit this morning. 

Analysis + Opinion

December 15, 2015

The origins of intolerance in America

John TirmanHuffington Post

In the last few weeks, the alarming rise of vitriolic anti-immigrant, xenophobic rhetoric from the right wing has alarmed a large segment of the American people, but equally disturbing is how much support these noxious views are getting from the public. 

Analysis + Opinion

December 9, 2015

Is it fascism? Obloquy run amok

John TirmanHuffington Post

The Donald Trump outrage of the week—that Muslims of all kinds should be barred entry to the United States — has rightly earned nearly universal rebuke.

In the News

December 2, 2015

Geography critical factor in US-China rivalry

The Korea Herald

Scholar says China may still face enormous disadvantages in potential South China Sea conflict against US.

Analysis + Opinion

November 27, 2015

Climate leadership: Paris and the paradox of the US role

John TirmanHuffington Post

One of the standard tropes of American politics is about global leadership. The automatic assumption on nearly all pressing issues is that we lead, and one of the charges typical of presidential campaigns is that the other candidate doesn’t, can’t or won’t lead. 

Analysis + Opinion

November 20, 2015

Contain ISIS

Barry R. PosenThe Atlantic

The Paris attacks have naturally prompted calls for a stronger response. But restraint is the better course of action.

Chappell Lawson

In the News

November 19, 2015

Q&A on International Policy Lab

MIT News

IPL faculty lead describes the project's origins and invites proposals for lab-funded policy research projects.

Analysis + Opinion

November 17, 2015

In Syria, politics can be more effective than military action

Roger Petersen New York Times

Playing politics entails costs, but bombing only promises stalemate and 'boots on the ground' involves untenable risks. 

Analysis + Opinion

November 15, 2015

Why Paris?

John TirmanWBUR: CognoscentiThe attacks in Paris on Friday can be grasped in a number of ways none of them fully satisfying while they usher in another round of recrimination.
