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DPRK and ROK foreign ministers abroad, preparing for talks | CGTN America

In the News

March 16, 2018

US and ROK’s diplomatic push for talks with the DPRK

Roee RuttenbergCGTN America

There is a flurry of diplomatic activity ahead of a planned meeting between President Trump and the leader of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea Kim Jong Un. CGTN’s Mike Walter spoke with international security expert Jim Walsh.

President Trump Image Credit: U.S. Department of Defense

Analysis + Opinion

March 15, 2018

The Trump-Kim Summit and the truth about North Korean denuclearization

Ankit Panda and Vipin NarangThe Diplomat

In a stunning and unexpected move, President Donald Trump announced last week that he will meet with North Korea’s Kim Jong Un — setting the stage for the first-ever presidential-level US-North Korea summit.

Dominiquo “Niquo” Santistevan


March 9, 2018

2017 MIT graduate awarded Luce fellowship

Congratulations to MIT graduate Dominiquo “Niquo” Santistevan for receiving a Henry Luce fellowship.  He was among 162 outstanding candidates nominated by 73 colleges and universities across the US. Only 18 scholars were awarded the fellowship, which is offered by the Henry Luce Foundation.



March 9, 2018

IPL completed 3rd annual call for proposals

The IPL received a record-breaking 42 proposals from 31 principal investigators representing all five schools at MIT. The committee chose 10 projects for full support. In an effort to assist as many PIs as possible with policy outreach, the majority of the remaining projects received partial support, with only six projects deemed too early to begin engagement with policy makers.

Map of Japan and ROK

Analysis + Opinion

March 1, 2018

With friends like these: Japan-ROK cooperation and US policy

Eric Heginbotham and Richard SamuelsThe ASAN Forum

Although they share a common ally, history and politics keep Japan and South Korea at arm’s length and severely limit their defense cooperation.​

Joel Brenner

In the News

February 28, 2018

Sessions pushes back on Trump after insult


"The fact that the President is upset that Sessions is playing by the book is yet another indication that the President is profoundly ignorant and indifferent to the purposes of the institutions of our government," says Joel Brenner, former NSA inspector general and a senior research fellow at CIS.

Dean Nobles moderating the discussion

In the News

February 27, 2018

Is democracy dying?

Peter DizikesMIT News

Is democracy dying, in the US and around the world? Why or why not? And if so, what can anyone do about it? These questions were at the heart of the Center’s Starr Forum on Monday evening. The panelists discussed democratic systems of rule and suggested some measures to protect them. 

Students walked through pillars at MIT.

In the News

February 25, 2018

Some colleges are cracking down on student-teacher romances

Deirdre FernandesBoston Globe

David Singer cited for work on MIT's new sexual harassment policy, “We wanted to make sure the policy was fair,” Singer said. But ultimately, school officials “were concerned about relationships of asymmetry of power.”

 Jacob Zuma arrives to announce his resignation in Pretoria, February 2018.

Analysis + Opinion

February 20, 2018

South Africa's healthy Democracy: Why Zuma's resignation is a good sign

Daniel de Kadt, Evan Lieberman, and Philip MartinForeign Affairs

Democracy in South Africa is in tatters. Or at least that’s the widespread view following President Jacob Zuma’s forced resignation on February 14, which ended his almost-nine-year tenure in office.

Ben Ross Schneider


February 14, 2018

CIS sponsors politics of development series

Ben Ross Schneider, Ford International Professor of Political Science and director of the MIT Brazil Program, is a co-editor of a new CIS-sponsored series on the politics of development called Cambridge Elements. The first of several forthcoming books is available for free (for a limited time) through Cambridge University Press.
