On Jan. 31, the MIT International Policy Lab brought a professional science communication organization, COMPASS, to conduct a training focused on communicating with public policy audiences. COMPASS works with scientists to build communication skills and engage in the public discourse. The training included interactions with a panel of policy makers and time for direct practice with experts. This program benefited faculty who want to better understand how research is incorporated into public policy and was a great opportunity to meet other faculty at MIT interested in informing policy with research.
Participants included:
- David Goldston - David is Director of the MIT Washington office and has more than 20 years of experience as a staffer on Capitol Hill and as a director of government affairs in the nonprofit world.
- Kelly Kryc - Kelly is an expert in fisheries and marine science issues and has served at the U.S. Department of State, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement, and as a staffer in Congress.
- Jennifer Weeks - Jenny is the Energy and Environment editor at The Conversation, where she helps researchers write news stories about their expertise. She has previous experience working as a congressional aide, lobbyist, and policy analyst.
IPL faculty director Chappell Lawson
Last year, the program hosted faculty from all five schools at MIT, including department heads and faculty who have served in government before. All the participants thoroughly enjoyed the day and recommended we continue the program.
A faculty member remarked, “I want to say again how tremendous I thought the day-long workshop with COMPASS was. I went into it a bit skeptically – after all, we all do a lot of public speaking. But speaking to people on the Hill is obviously a very different animal. It was great to get so many tips from seasoned professionals!”