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Cyber issues have quickly risen to the top of the US-China bilateral agenda. While espionage has grabbed the headlines, the cyber struggle with Beijing involves every dimension of national power. This talk will describe the features of the strategic cyber environment viz China, discuss core elements of Chinese cyber policy, and outline a potential approach for restoring equilibrium in the cyber relationship.
About the Speakers:
James Mulvenon, senior vice-president of DGI's Intelligence Division, as well as co-founder and director of its Center for Intelligence Research and Analysis. A Chinese linguist and a specialist on the Chinese military, he is a leading international expert on Chinese cyber issues. He is the co-author of Chinese Industrial Espionage, which is the first full account, inside or outside government, of the complete range of China's efforts to illicitly acquire foreign technology.
Joel Brenner, former senior counsel at the National Security Agency and from 2006 until mid-2009, head of U.S. counterintelligence under the director of national intelligence. His book, America the Vulnerable, discusses the new faces of war and espionage - virtual battles with dangerous implications for government, business, and all of us. He currently is a Robert E. Wilhelm fellow at the MIT Center for International Studies.
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