News + Media

Special Duty book on display

In the News

March 15, 2020

The Japanese intelligence community & espionage

Tony VegaJapan Station: A Podcast by

On this episode of the Japan Station podcast, Richard Samuels digs into the world of Japanese spycraft and the history of Japan's intelligence community.


In the News

March 13, 2020

MIT’s response to Covid-19


MIT is tracking the Covid-19 (coronavirus) situation daily, offering ongoing updates and guidance. This website offers the latest updates and information on what the Institute is doing.

In the News

March 10, 2020

Why do banking crises occur?

Peter DizikesMIT News

In a new book, political scientist David Singer finds two key factors connected to financial-sector collapses around the globe.

North Korea carried out another launch of projectiles on Monday, a week after a similar exercise [Ahn Young-joon/AP Photo] Koreans watching news coverage of the launch on tv.

In the News

March 8, 2020

N Korea fires projectiles, after 'momentous' retaliation threat


Vipin Narang quoted: Vipin Narang of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology added: "Kim continues to test, improve and operationalise his force." 

Angry President Trump

Analysis + Opinion

March 8, 2020

How Donald Trump should handle China's growing power

Joshua ShifrinsonThe National Interest

Ultimately, China is not the threat claimed, and inflators’ prescriptions are a recipe for overstretching and needless risk. It is not too late for the US to soberly address China’s rise. 

President Trump holding up document with signature on Executive Order on Iran sanctions

Analysis + Opinion

March 3, 2020

Courting war

Barry PosenBoston Review

Despite claims to the contrary, the Trump administration wants regime change in Iran and is risking a full-scale war in order to get it.

In the News

February 26, 2020

It all adds up: MIT-Africa

Laura Carter, School of ScienceMIT News

Hazel Sive, faculty director for MISTI-Africa and director of the MIT-Africa Initiative, visited the Uganda program. “This is a fantastic contribution by the MIT Mathematics Department. Our students ran an outstanding program for the best high school math talent in Uganda. The Ugandan students were exceptional, and we hope some will be attracted to apply to MIT. ”  

Illustration of hand putting iron in the ocean

Analysis + Opinion

February 26, 2020

Tweak ocean ecosystems? Maybe not, study says.

Shola LawalThe New York Times

A controversial idea to fight climate change by using iron to manipulate ocean ecosystems probably won’t work, according to a study by researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

#NaMosteTrump | What Trump's visit means for India?

In the News

February 24, 2020

What Trump's visit means for India?

India Today

Vipin Narang and other local experts were interviewed and commented on President's Trump trip to India and what it means for India and for Modi.

Donald Trump thanked India for the contributions its culture and traditions have made to the United States and said Americans are eager to strengthen ties between their people. (Photo: AP)

In the News

February 24, 2020

Beyond the spectacle: What global think tanks think about NaMoste Trump

Rahul KanwalIndia Today

Vipin Narang quoted: Trump's India visit appeals to his "vanity", says Vipin Narang, an associate professor of political science at the MIT. "I think at a higher level for President Trump, this is a vanity exercise. I think he loves the idea of being adulated in the crowds," Narang said.
