News + Media

Analysis + Opinion

October 22, 2014

It will take more than natural resources for Africa to rise

Calestous JumaAl Jazeera

The rise of 3D printing could do for Africa what semiconductors did for Taiwan in the 1960s.

Joel Brenner

News Release

October 21, 2014

Former NSA Inspector General joins CIS

Joel Brenner, former inspector general and senior counsel at the National Security Agency (NSA), has joined the MIT Center for International Studies (CIS) as a 2014–2015 Robert E. Wilhelm Fellow. Brenner specializes in cyber and physical security, data protection and privacy, intelligence law, the administration of classified information and facilities, and the regulation of sensitive cross-border transactions.

Calestous Juma

News Release

October 7, 2014

Juma receives Lifetime Africa Achievement Prize

Calestous Juma, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Visiting Professor at MIT, received an LAAP Prize (Lifetime Africa Achievement Prize) for his leadership in socioeconomic development in Africa. The award will be presented to Juma in Nigeria on October 10, 2014, by the Millennium Excellence Foundation. Juma, a research affiliate at CIS, is among 16 recipients of this year's esteemed award.

In the News

September 30, 2014

3 Qs: Jim Walsh on the elusive US-Iran nuclear treaty

Peter DizikesMIT News

Can the U.S. and Iran reach a permanent agreement to restrict Iran’s nuclear program? For several months, the countries have operated under an interim agreement limiting Iran’s activities, but it expires this fall. MIT News spoke with Jim Walsh, research associate in MIT’s Security Studies Program and expert in international security and nuclear nonproliferation, about the prospects for a deal. 

Map of Africa

News Release

September 22, 2014

African technology and innovation leaders visit MIT

High-ranking African leaders in science, technology and innovation will gather at MIT on Sept 23 and 24 to explore areas for mutual cooperation. The visit is a reflection of the rising interest among African countries in putting science and technology at the center of their development process. As part of their visit, the African leaders will participate in a Starr Forum event "Africa Rebooted: Science Technology, and Innovation in Development."

News Release

September 2, 2014

British journalist Louisa Reynolds joins CIS

Louisa Reynolds, an independent journalist based in Guatemala City, Guatemala, has been selected as the 2014-15 IWMF Elizabeth Neuffer Fellow. Reynolds is the tenth recipient of the annual fellowship, which gives a woman journalist the opportunity to develop expertise while focusing on human rights journalism and social justice issues.

In the News

August 19, 2014

A farewell to arms

Anne-Marie CorleyMIT Technology Review

As the Cold War ended, MIT researcher Thomas Neff came up with a plan to fuel U.S. nuclear plants with uranium from Russian bombs. With more than a decade of quiet diplomacy, he pulled it off.

Analysis + Opinion

July 25, 2014

Putin in July (or the fight for Russia’s soul)

Elizabeth A. WoodWashington Post

The shooting down of Malaysia Airlines flight 17 has put Vladimir Putin in a bind, evidence that he has unleashed forces in Eastern Ukraine that he cannot entirely control. But he may have also unleashed forces in Moscow, which, while still not very strong, are beyond his control. 

Analysis + Opinion

July 21, 2014

Smallpox: the long goodbye

Jeanne GuilleminBulletin of the Atomic Scientists

Last week, six vials of smallpox virus were discovered in a disused closet at the National Institutes of Health, where they had lain, forgotten and misplaced, for over 30 years.

In the News

July 17, 2014

Genetically engineering almost anything

Tim De Chant and Eleanor NelsenNova

When it comes to genetic engineering, we’re amateurs. Sure, we’ve known about DNA’s structure for more than 60 years, we first sequenced every A, T, C, and G in our bodies more than a decade ago, and we’re becoming increasingly adept at modifying the genes of a growing number of organisms. But compared with what's coming next, all that will seem like child's play.
