News + Media

KCNA via REUTERS A ballistic rocket launch drill of the Strategic Force of the Korean People's Army is seen at an unknown location, in this undated photo released by North Korea's Korean Central News Agency in Pyongyang, March 2016.

Analysis + Opinion

January 11, 2019

The year of living dangerously with nuclear weapons

Nicholas L Miller and Vipin NarangForeign Affairs

If the Trump administration’s foreign policy continues on its current trajectory, there is a significant chance that the United States could find itself in not one but three nuclear crises in the next 12 months.

Figure 1. An SSBN returns home from patrol.  The ballistic missile submarine USS Louisiana travels in Hood Canal, Washington, May 3, 2018 as it returns to Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor following a strategic deterrent patrol. Navy photo by Lt. Cmdr. Michael Smith. Image courtesy of US Defense Department

Analysis + Opinion

January 7, 2019

Are ballistic missile submarines still the best deterrent for the United States?

Owen R. Cote Jr.Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists

The service lives of the US Navy’s 14 Ohio-class nuclear-powered, ballistic nuclear missile submarines (SSBNs)…are coming to an end while their replacements, the new Columbia-class subs, undergo research and development. 

Illustration by João Fazenda

In the News

January 7, 2019

What 2018 looked like fifty years ago

Jill LeporeThe New Yorker

A book of technology predictions looked positively thrilling. This New Yorker piece credits the Center’s progenitor,  Ithiel de Sola Pool, with particularly sharp insights into the future.

Marlene Awaad/Bloomberg/Getty Images

In the News

January 4, 2019

We need to not freak out about the robot revolution

Matt SimonWired

Matt Simon, Wired, sat down with David Edelman to discuss the rise of robots, America's labor woes, and the subtleties of rotten strawberries.

Vipin Narang

Analysis + Opinion

January 1, 2019

India’s counterforce temptations: strategic dilemmas, doctrine, and capabilities

Christopher Clary and Vipin NarangInternational Security

Is India shifting to a nuclear counterforce strategy? The conventional wisdom is that India only reluctantly acquired nuclear weapons and has been a restrained nuclear weapons power that adheres to a no-first-use (NFU) policy and rejects the possibility of nuclear warfghting.

Jim Walsh

In the News

December 26, 2018

Russia says Israeli missile strikes near Damascus threatened two civilian flights

Peter O'DowdWBUR Here & Now

WBUR’s Peter O'Dowd speaks with Here & Now security analyst Jim Walsh.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Analysis + Opinion

December 24, 2018

Diplomacy without denuclearization: North Korea in 2018

Ankit Panda and Vipin NarangWar on the Rocks

After having attained what he saw as the necessary capabilities to deter the United States with nuclear weapons in 2017, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un turned the tables this year.

 Kim Jong-un inspects an intercontinental ballistic missile in 2017 Credit: HOGP/AP

In the News

December 21, 2018

North Korea warns it will not give up nuclear weapons until US removes 'threat'

Nicola SmithThe Telegraph

“It has always said this. Some people wanted to delude themselves into believing otherwise. But North Korea is nothing if not consistent,” tweeted Vipin Narang, an associate professor of political science at MIT. 

Vipin Narang

In the News

December 21, 2018

Narang sees a future with nuclear North

Kim Dong-HyeonKorea JoongAng Daily

Vipin Narang is a fixture in the American media whenever the issue of North Korea’s denuclearization is discussed. For the first time, Narang answered questions for a Korean media outlet. Excerpts from the interview are featured here.

Best articles of 2018

In the News

December 21, 2018

Posen's "Illiberal Hegemony" among Foreign Affairs' Best of 2018

Foreign Affairs

Barry Posen's "The Rise of Illiberal Hegemony" article is on Foreign Affairs' The Best of Print 2018 list for best articles they have published this year.

