News + Media

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un

Analysis + Opinion

February 6, 2019

North Korea and America’s second summit

Vipin NarangThe National Interest

There are several possible outcomes I think from the summit if and when it happens.


US National Security Advisor John Bolton

In the News

February 5, 2019

Neocon-led US Venezuela policy

Michael KniggeDeutsche Welle

There is a solid case to be made for regime change in Venezuela as advocated by the US and many of its allies. Still, scholars say, the US's record and some key Trump administration players are cause for concern. Barry Posen weighs in.

President Donald Trump announces a second summit with North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un. (Photo: AP)

In the News

February 5, 2019

Trump to meet North Korea's Kim Jong Un in Vietnam in two weeks for the pair's second summit

John Fritze and Deirdre ShesgreenUSA Today

"Ok let’s be clear that North Korea’s successful acquisition of a nuclear ICBM is why there was no war with North Korea," tweeted Vipin Narang, an associate professor of political science at MIT who studies North Korea and nuclear proliferation, in response to President's Trumps claim during the SOTU Tuesday.

Qais al-Khazali, the leader of the militant Shiite group Asaib Ahl al-Haq, speaks during an interview with the Associated Press in Baghdad on Jan. 28, 2019. (Khalid Mohammed/AP)

Analysis + Opinion

February 4, 2019

The role of Iraq’s influential Shiite clerics is changing. Here’s how.

Marsin AlshamaryThe Washington Post

In a recent interview, an influential Iraqi Shiite cleric and militia leader warned the United States to withdraw its troops from Iraq. The leader, Qais al-Khazali, represents a class of politician preachers who have come to dominate the political scene in post-2003 Iraq. The ascendancy of these clerics raises questions about the role of the Shiite religious establishment in contemporary Iraqi politics.

Thousands protest in Belgrade on December 22, 2018. (Andrej Isakovic/AFP/Getty Images)

Analysis + Opinion

February 1, 2019

Serbian journalists are under attack. Does the international community care?

Una Hajdari The New Republic

Supported by the US and EU, praised at Davos: President Aleksandar Vucic is on a roll. No one seems to want to contemplate the appalling assaults on press freedoms.

President Donald Trump speaks during a meeting with Chinese Vice Premier Liu He in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, Thursday, Jan. 31, 2019.

In the News

February 1, 2019

Trump administration downplays fears of post-treaty arms race

Katie Bo WilliamsDefense One

“I’m not worked up one way or another,” said Vipin Narang. “Russia has been out of compliance since 2014 and the question is how to deal with it. If you punch out, you let Russia paint you as the arms control destroyer [but] if you stay in, Russia is still going to violate it. I’m not really sure what options were left [other than withdrawal].”

Image Credit: AP Photo/Kin Cheung

In the News

January 30, 2019

M. Taylor Fravel on how the People's Liberation Army does military strategy

Ankit PandaThe Diplomat

The Diplomat speaks with M. Taylor Fravel about how China’s People’s Liberation Army thinks about war.

Joshua Shifrinson

Analysis + Opinion

January 29, 2019

Great power competition

Joshua Shifrinson, Emma Ashford, and A. Trevor ThrallCato Institute

Joshua Shifrinson, author of Rising Titans, Falling Giants, discusses foreign policy trends on a Cato Institute podcast.

Carol Saivetz

In the News

January 25, 2019

Trump's bizarre claims about Russian invasion of Afghanistan


Carol Saivetz discusses on NECN pro-Russia propaganda by President Donald Trump including claims the Soviets invaded Afghanistan to thwart terrorism.

U.S. military vehicles in Syria’s northern city of Manbij on Dec. 30. (Delil Souleiman/AFP)

Analysis + Opinion

January 24, 2019

Trump wants a safe zone in Syria. Is that even possible?

Sara PlanaThe Washington Post

A Jan 13 tweet by President Trump revived the idea of imposing a safe zone--an area meant to protect civilians and minimize refugee burdens within a war zone--in Syria. Syria today looks very different from 2016, the last time there were serious public calls for a safe zone, says Sara Plana in a Washington Post oped.
