News + Media

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un reads a letter from U.S. President Donald Trump in Pyongyang in this picture released Sunday. | REUTERS

In the News

June 23, 2019

Kim Jong Un receives letter from Trump, saying he will 'seriously contemplate' its 'interesting content'

Jesse JohnsonThe Japan Times

“Did Trump indicate a willingness to moderate the US negotiating position (good)? Or did Trump unknowingly assent to something Kim said about doing so in his own letter and now Kim thinks Trump is on board (bad)?” Vipin Narang, a North Korea expert and professor of international relations at MIT, wrote on Twitter.

US-Iran flags

In the News

June 21, 2019

What's next after Iran strike called off?

Jeremy HobsonWBUR Here & Now

President Trump confirmed Friday he rescinded a military operation to strike Iran that was underway. Host Jeremy Hobson talks with Here & Now security analyst Jim Walsh, with MIT's Security Studies Program.

M Taylor Fravel


June 20, 2019

Fravel testifies before US-China Economic and Security Review Commission

Taylor Fravel (@fravel) testified before the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission, discussing what China means by the term world-class military.  Testimony and video available here.

Jim Walsh

In the News

June 19, 2019

Is the US inching closer to war with Iran?

Fox News Radio

Tensions between the US and Iran continue to escalate. Is it nothing more than saber-rattling, or is the threat of war real? Former CIA station chief Daniel Hoffman and MIT Securities Studies Program Senior Research Associate Dr Jim Walsh explain the increase in pressure.

Barry Posen

In the News

June 19, 2019

What would a US grand strategy of restraint look like?

Elliot WaldmanWorld Politics Review: Trend Lines

Barry Posen is featured on World Politics Review’s podcast to discuss his idea of a US grand strategy based on restraint and how it would look when put into practice. 

Tankers at the Iraqi Al Basra Oil Terminal in the Northern Arabian Gulf .

In the News

June 14, 2019

Trump blames Iran for attack on oil tankers in Gulf of Oman

Lisa MullinsWBUR Here & Now

President Trump said on Friday that Iran carried out the attack on two oil tankers in the Gulf of Oman. Host Lisa Mullins talks with Here & Now security analyst Jim Walsh, with MIT's Security Studies Program.

Jim Walsh interview on Bloomberg

In the News

June 14, 2019

We should assume Iran is responsible for attacks on oil tankers, says Jim Walsh

David Westin Bloomberg Daybreak: Americas

Jim Walsh, MIT Securities Studies Program senior research associate, discusses who is responsible for the attacks on two oil tankers in the Straits of Hormuz, on Thursday. He speaks with Bloomberg’s David Westin on “Bloomberg Daybreak: Americas.”

Kim Jong Un shakes hands with President Donald Trump at the start of their historic U.S.-North Korea summit at the Capella Hotel on Sentosa island in Singapore on June 12, 2018.

In the News

June 12, 2019

‘The clock is ticking’: A year on from the Singapore summit Kim Jong Un is losing patience with Donald Trump’s strategy

David BrennanNewsweek

Vipin Narang says that the collapse of talks in Hanoi has left talks "on life support." …Kim has suggested that the moratorium will only remain in place until the end of this year if the US does not soften its negotiating stance.

Chinese military

Analysis + Opinion

June 11, 2019

Jaw–Jaw: A look at the PLA's history of planning for war with Taylor Fravel

M Taylor Fravel and Brad CarsonWar on the Rocks

How does China think about the nature of war? How has China’s conception of war changed over time? What are “military guidelines” in Chinese statecraft and what leads the Chinese leadership to develop new ones? These and other questions are discussed in the latest episode of Jaw-Jaw, where Professor Taylor Fravel discusses his recent book Active Defense: China’s Military Strategy Since 1949.

US President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un shake hands following a meeting in Hanoi, Vietnam, on February 27, 2019. Since then, North Korea has undertaken missile tests and Trump has voiced confidence that Kim will not “break his promise”. Photo: AFPUS President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un shake hands following a meeting in Hanoi, Vietnam, on February 27, 2019. Since then, North Korea has undertaken missile tests and Trump has voiced confidence that Kim will not “brea

In the News

June 11, 2019

As North Korea doubles down on its nuclear weapons, Trump and the US are stuck with ‘strategic patience’

Rob YorkSouth China Morning Post

Vipin Narang, a nuclear proliferation expert at MIT, said North Korea could be convinced to freeze fissile material production and that its Yongbyon Nuclear Scientific Research Centre is reaching the end of its life, meaning it is possible to “slow the growth of [the] programme”. But the fate of the non-nuclear-armed Gaddafi and former Iraqi president Saddam Hussein has taught North Koreans “don’t give up your nuclear weapons because … the United States may one day decide to get rid of you”, Narang said.
