précis Magazine


précis, the MIT Center for International Studies magazine, features essays by our scholars, covers the wide range of Center activities, and tracks the accomplishments of our research community. It is published twice yearly, once during each academic semester.

If you have story ideas or would like to write an article, please contact the 2023-2024 graduate student editor Miriam Hinthorn or editor Michelle English.

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Spring 2017
Eric Heginbotham précis Interview: Eric Heginbotham

Eric Heginbotham PhD '04, a leading political-military analyst of East Asia, is a principal research scientist at CIS. Before joining the Center, he was a senior political scientist at the RAND Corporation. In this interview, he discusses US-China relations, US allies in East Asia, North Korea, and what brought him back to MIT.

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Fight over foreigners: visas & immigration in the Trump era

Justin Steil, assistant professor of law and urban planning at MIT, moderated the CIS Starr Forum: The Fight Over Foreigners: Visas & Immigration in the Trump Era. The talk was held on MIT campus on February 28, 2017. Steil's introduction, followed by an excerpt of his questions to the panelists, is featured here.

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Threat perception and immigration reform in the United StatesMarika Landau-Wells

Immigration reform proved to be a particularly contentious issue in the US 2016 presidential election. In some respects, the attention appears justified by the continued relevance of immigration for American politics.

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New precis cover Briefings

Meet MIT's experts in Asian security; Jeanne Guillemin on the recent chemical attack in Syria; Building connections between the Institute and countries in the Arab world; Brexit, Europe, & Trump.

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Activities Spring 2017 Activities

CIS publishes report on cybersecurity; Technology and national security expert joins CIS; Ban Ki Moon visits CIS; Nielsen receives Carnegie fellowship; Starr Forums address foreign policy challenges in the Trump era; MIT Day of Action talk by Dan Pomeroy; MISTI funds over 80 MIT faculty projects; MIT-Israel welcomes new faculty advisor; SSP Wednesday seminars

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End Notes Spring 2017 End Notes

End Notes features the professional achievements of our scholars, students, and staff. This includes recent awards, speaking engagements, and publications.​

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