Courses on Migration and Refugees
A. Economics, Politics, Sociology, and Geography
B. Urban Studies and Planning
C. Foreign Languages and Literatures, History and Religion
D. Miscellaneous Subjects
Boston University. GRS International Relations. 718 International Migration and Diaspora in World Politics.
The movement of people across borders is reshaping world politics. This course explores three phenomenon with reference to the impact on the economy, domestic politics, regional integration, national identity and the institution of the Sovereign Nation State.
Boston University. School of Law. Immigration Law and Practice.
The class will cover such areas as the constitutional foundations of the power to regulate immigration; the statutory scheme; the administrative system; the law of admission to the country; exclusion and deportation; the law of asylum; and cross-cultural and ethical issues which arise in immigration practice. There will also be a simulation component to the course. The simulation exercises will require additional time outside of the normal weekly class hours. Most of these simulations will be concentrated in the latter part of the semester. Here, students would learn practice skills through simulated experience by preparing witnesses and presenting argument in a motion hearing, and by preparing direct testimony and cross examination in some type of immigration proceeding, such as an asylum hearing.
Gomez, Kelly. Spring semester.
Boston University. School of Law. Refugee and Asylum Law.
This seminar will review the international legal framework for refugee protection and resettlement as a background and comparison for U.S. refugee and asylum law and policy. Students will learn about the major international instruments governing refugee law, and will then compare the application of those instruments by particular states. After understanding the context and development of international norms, students will study the U.S. asylum regime, including the statutory structure and processes for refugee admissions, asylum and withholding of deportation, temporary protected status, and related protections.
Akram. Spring semester.
Boston University. GRS History 755. American Immigration History.
The experience of immigrants to the United States during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Topics include premigration cultures, theories of adaptation, perspectives on race ethnicity, sojourner migrants, and the persistence of ethnic enclaves in the urban environment.
Marilyn Halter.
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. DHP D234: International Migration.
This course is an introduction to some of the issues arising from the movement of peoples across national boundaries, including labor migration, illegal migration, forced migration, and trafficking, and how these have changed since the end of the Cold War. We will explore who migrants are and why they migrate. We will also examine the consequences of migration for sending and receiving states, the relations between them, and the impact of migration on international institutions. We will examine the transnational networks that arise from migration, and what effects these networks have on notions of community and membership, on citizenship, on nationalism, on political mobilization, and on the duties and responsibilities of states and international organizations. The course will have a strong policy orientation: we will critically examine the responses of receiving countries, including policies of controlling entry; the absorption and integration of migrants; policies concerning citizenship and nationality; and asylum policies. K. Jacobsen. Not offered 2005-2006.
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. DHP D235: Research Seminar in Forced Migration and Human Security
This seminar seeks to strengthen students' understanding of and capacity to conduct social scientific inquiry in the field of forced migration, by exploring the research methods used by social scientists. The field of forced migration is defined broadly, to include such related areas as labor migration, humanitarian assistance, refugee law and policy, and livelihoods and human rights in conflict-affected regions. The course is especially intended for students seeking structured guidance in conceptualizing and assembling a research proposal, particularly one that intends to use field methods. The course offers a way to learn more about the field of forced migration through an epistemological approach. K. Jacobsen. Spring, 2006.
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. DHP D236: Seminar on Global Issues in Forced Migration.
This course examines some of the major policy issues concerning forced migrants (refugees and the internally displaced). We examine "root causes" of displacement; the responses of asylum countries; and the role of governments and of international and non-governmental organizations in protecting and assisting forced migrants. We will examine how refugees themselves respond, and the role they play in mediating policy. We explore the consequences of forced migration for the environment, for public health, and for regional security. We will explore the relationship between refugee policy and foreign policy, and changes in the international refugee regime since the end of the Cold War.
K. Jacobsen. Not offered 2005-2006.
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. DHP P208: Seminar on Geography, Foreign Policy, and World Order. Napoleon asserted that "the policy of a state lies in its geography." Arguably, world order itself-the moral and legal structure of any well-functioning international system-depends on the conformity of mankind's "genres de vie" to physical settings and the environment. The dynamism of geography of all kinds will be emphasized, in contrast with the static "control" orientation of politics. Subjects to be covered include: the partitioning of territory, including boundary making, adjustment, and management; patterns of human migration and settlement, including the formation of cities; the selection of sites of capitals and other political centers, and also for diplomatic meetings. Assessment of basic theories of geographical determinism and possibilism, as well as geopolitical and geostrategic doctrines; the technical methods and subtle suasion of cartography, including the functioning of Geographic Information Systems and "mental maps"; and consideration of current international proposals for the better reconciliation of nature and culture, as discussed in United Nations and other multilateral negotiations. Not offered 2005-2006. Associate Professor Henrikson
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. DHP P282: The Return of Diasporas: Ethno-national networks, multi-cultural societies and global threats. The interest in diasporas is related to major geopolitical changes that offer them new opportunities of emerging as global actors. Another reason for the renewal of diaspora visibility is a gradual change in the perception of migration by the Social Sciences. Migratory phenomena create new networks - or recreate old ones- capable to resist threats to their distinctive identity. Diasporas probably constitute the most interesting example of transnationalism. As entities bridging states, they are active in the economic, cultural and political spheres and link various geographical scales in new ways. The Balkan crises of the last decade have illustrated how diasporas catalyze interactions between the local and the global. Terrorism relies heavily on diaspora networks. For students of international relations, it is imperative to understand not only the growing importance of diasporas in global politics but also their specific characteristics, their internal functioning, their strengths and weaknesses; to overcome stereotypes often resulting from the confusion of diasporas with nations; the realize not only the positive role of diasporas in promoting diversity and exchange but also the threats they can present to global security or to national institutions. After examining the recent theoretical discussion, diasporas will be studied comparatively with special focus on the Greek Diaspora. Not offered during 2005-2006. Instructor to be nnounced.
Harvard - HSPH. PIH245. Population and Development Policymaking.
This seminar-course covers the development and implementation of population policies within the broader context of international development activities. It focuses on several broad sub-topics: theories and evidence; ethical considerations; environment; security;
aging; migration; urbanization; gender and sexuality; the UN trail; the shifting USA positions; reproductive health and family planning programs; resources; implementation; looking ahead.
Course Activities: Guest speakers will include senior practitioners, policymakers and researchers from the field. Students will be expected to master weekly reading materials, participate in class discussions, make a class presentation, and submit a term paper on a topic agreed upon with the instructor. This seminar-course does not include quantitative applications.
Course Note: Enrollment limited to 20 students, with preference given to students from SPH and KSG.
Not offered during 2005-2006 . Dr. G. Zeidenstein
Harvard KSG. ISP-228 Citizens, Aliens, Refugees: The Legal Framework of International Human Rights
Covers the international human rights legal regime, from the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights on. Asks how black letter rights law has been translated into practical human rights gains for citizens and migrants. Key instruments, such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the Refugee Convention, the Convention on the Rights of the Child, and the European Convention on Human Rights, will be examined. A central goal is to familiarize students with existing human rights instruments, their enforcement mechanisms, and their impact on human rights in practice. The course adopts a comparative approach, including cases from international, regional, and domestic courts. Analyzes treaty articles and cases on topics such as freedom of expression, economics and social rights, the death penalty, citizenship, immigrants rights' and "terrorism," torture, refugee protection, IDPs, child soldiers, and trafficking. Jacqueline Bhabha.
Harvard FAS. Sociology 221. Immigration, Identity and Assimilation: Seminar. Catalog Number: 9699.
Examines the experiences of immigrants who have arrived in the United States since 1965 and their children - the second generation. Patterns of economic, political, and social assimilation, as well as ethnic identity formation will be reviewed. Recent theories and empirical research on the link between identity and economic assimilation will be discussed.
Mary C. Waters.
Harvard FAS. Government 90hh. International Migration and the Political Economy of Development.
Examines the economic, political and social consequences of international migration and diasporas, particularly in developing countries. Is the phenomenon of greater import in the current (and future) context than it has historically been and if so, why? When are diasporas likely to be more influential and how does this influence shape well-being in their country of origin? What are the implications of looser concepts of citizenship? Country examples include China, India, Mexico and Turkey.
Devesh Kapur. Fall semester.
Harvard FAS. Social Studies 98ek. Globalization, Transnationalism, and Migration. Catalog Number: 2433.
How can we make sense of cross-border flows of money, commodities, cultural symbols and people in the context of social science research which has traditionally focused on bounded communities, be it a village, neighborhood or nation? In this course, we will study different theoretically approaches to global flows as well as case studies that illuminate how people, goods and ideas intersect across multiple spaces and identities.
Lucia Volk.
Harvard FAS. History 1645. History of American Immigration: Conference Course. Catalog Number: 7280.
Analysis of the immigration waves that have shaped the American population from colonial times to the present. The causes of international migration; shifting American attitudes toward immigrants; U.S. immigration policy; the economic and social adjustment of newcomers; the Melting Pot vs. cultural pluralism.
Stephan Thernstrom.
MIT. Political Science. 17.410 & 411. Politics of International Migration, Refugees, and International Relations. Since the end of the Cold War, refugees and migration have become defining characteristics of the international landscape. Both issues feature prominently in public discourse and policy deliberations as well as being a focus in foreign policy, international and national security considerations, military planning and human rights debates. This course, taught from a practitioner's standpoint, situates asylum and migration as increasingly central concerns in international studies with a direct bearing on a complex web of key political, socio-economic, institutional, legal, security and normative issues the importance of which are likely to increase in the coming years. The course will highlight, inter alia, the dilemmas confronting policy and decision-makers operating outside the academy on the front-lines where theory the runs up against reality, historical antecedents and perspective are ignored, competing interests are predominant, and politics and principle sit in an uneasy balance. It will also shed light on situations where political realities are in advance of existing institutional regimes meant to deal with them. Requirements: class presentations and term paper. The lecturer will suggest topics, some of which could be developed into dissertations. All required readings are on reserve and/or available in class notes.
Gary Troeller. Nor offered during 2005-2006.
MIT. History. 21H.150J. Introduction to Asian American Studies: Literature, Culture, and Historical Experience.
An interdisciplinary subject that draws on literature, history, anthropology, film, and cultural studies to examine the experiences of Asian Americans in US society. Covers the first wave of Asian immigration in the nineteenth century, the rise of anti-Asian movements, the experiences of Asian Americans during WWII, the emergence of the Asian American movement in the 1960s, and the new wave of ``post-1965'' Asian immigration. Examines the role these historical experiences played in the formation of Asian American ethnicity, and explores how these experiences informed Asian American literature and culture. Addresses key societal issues such as racial stereotyping, media racism, affirmative action issues, the glass ceiling, the ``model minority'' syndrome, and anti-Asian harassment or violence.
E. Teng.
Wellesley College. Ethnicity, Nationalism, Religion, and Violence. POL2 309S
Investigates the causes of modern conflicts over religious, national, and ethnic identity. Introduces methods for studying nationalism, ethnic groups in conflict, and religious violence. Considers the construction of ethnicity and nation under European imperialism and their reconstruction under postcolonial administrations; the political uses of ethnicity, nationalism, and religion; the relationship between gender, class, ethnicity, and nationalism; the economic sources of inter-ethnic, international, and interreligious conflict; and the psychology of group violence. Examines the major theoretical approaches and applies them to cases drawn from Africa and Asia.
Prerequisite: Permission of instructor. Enrollment limited; interested students must fill out a seminar application available in the Political Science office or on the department website. Goddard. Fall, 2005.
Wellesley College. Politics of Migration. POL2 383
A comparative study of the politics of mass population movements across state borders, including forced relocation under colonialism, refugees of war, food migration, labor migration, and different forms of legal and illegal immigration, including the international trafficking of persons. Analyzes migration and immigration policies in sending and receiving countries, UN conventions on the movement of persons, and social movements against and on behalf of migrant peoples. Country cases to be examined include Algeria and France, Brazil and Japan, Canada and Hong Kong, China and North Korea, Germany and Turkey, and the Philippines and the United States.
Prerequisite: One 200-level course in comparative politics or international relations or permission of instructor. Prof. Moon. Spring 2006.
These courses deal in part with international migration, internal migration, refugees, diasporas, and related policy issues.
A. Economics, Politics, Sociology, and Geography
Boston University. CAS International Relations. 592 International Economic Relations.
Examines the global economy; conditions of an international economic order for development; international interdependence and global institutions to coordinate national policies; transnational corporations; international migration; international capital flows; international monetary reform; aid; international finance and debt problems; analytical basis for reforms; and the impact of policies on poverty alleviation. Staff. Spring Semester.
Boston University. CAS International Relations. 395: North-South Relations.
Employs a multidisciplinary approach to analyze the relations between the industrialized nations of the North and the developing nations of the South. Addresses historical and current issues in North-South relations, including trade, investment, migration, regional economic integration and the environment. Meets with CAS PO 352.
Thacker. Spring semester.
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. DHP P226: Political Economy of International Trade and Investment
This course examines the political economy of trade and foreign direct investment. Our focus is both analytical and empirical. Analytically, we will evaluate the domestic and international factors that influence national policymaking and multilateral cooperation on trade and investment issues. Empirically, we will examine the evolution of the trading system over the last half-century, the development and effects of international institutions and regional arrangements, and the emergence of new problems and concerns in these two policy realms. Specific topics include the origins and role of the World Trade Organization; the use of non-tariff barriers; strategic trade and industrial policy; labor and environmental standards; dispute settlement; regulatory interaction between governments and multinational firms; economic development; and the rise of trading blocs.
Assistant Professor Chase. Not offered during 2005-2006.
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. DHP D227: Law and Politics of International Conflict Management
The course examines the legal, political and policy issues involved in international intervention in internal conflicts since the end of the cold war. It will explore legal doctrine and political practice with respect to conflict intervention, but it also deals with conflict prevention and the rehabilitation and reconstruction of war-torn societies. Introductory sessions cover the legal, conceptual and historical background. On this foundation, the remainder of the course examines the evolution of the conceptual framework for intervention and the legal, policy, political and practical issues posed by such cases as Somalia , Rwanda and Georgia , Bosnia , Kosovo and Afghanistan . It is a course in dilemmas. Spring semester. Visiting Professor Chayes
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. ILO L220: International Organizations
The theory and practice of international organizations is a dynamic and increasingly important dimension of world politics. This course provides an introduction to the field, focusing on the United Nations. The thematic framework is the interaction between international law and politics in international organizations, within which issues like the evolving concept of sovereignty and changing notions of security are considered. The course begins with an overview of the UN legal order: The purposes and structure of the UN system; law making; interpretation and application of the law; membership; and the special role of the Secretary-General. We then consider the substantive work of the UN and other organizations in three principal areas: peace and security, human rights and humanitarian affairs, and sustainable development. The final few classes cover issues relating to reform and the future of international organizations in global governance. Fall semester. Spring semester Associate Professor Johnstone
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. ILO L208: Seminar on the Legal Regulation of Armed Conflict.
Recourse to arms for defense and expansion prior to 1899. The growth of humanitarian concern. The Geneva Conventions of 1864 and 1906. Substantive rules: The Lieber Code of 1863 and the Hague Conventions of 1899 and 1907. Changing conceptions of war and military policy: The evolution of maritime warfare; new weapons (submarine, aircraft). The Geneva Conventions of 1949 and the Protocols of 1977. Current issues, nuclear weapons, chemical and biological agents, terrorism.
Rubin. To be offered during 2006-2007.
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. ILO L210: International Human Rights Law.
An introductory survey of international human rights law and procedures, including detailed examination of global, regional, and national institutions to protect human rights. The course traces the development of contemporary concepts of human rights, including issues of universality, whether or not certain categories of rights have priority over others, and the means of creating and enforcing human rights law. The role of non-governmental organizations in fact-finding and publicizing human rights violations is also addressed.
Hannum. Not offered during 2005-2006.
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. ILO L211: Seminar on Current Issues in Human Rights.
This seminar explores in-depth a limited number of issues, which are of contemporary interest in the field of international human rights law. Topics to be addressed are likely to include democracy; economic and social rights; religion and cultural diversity; and humanitarian intervention. Open to students who have completed ILO L210 or equivalent.
Hannum. Spring semester.
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. ILO L212: Seminar on Self-Determination and Minority Rights.
This seminar explores the evolution of the contemporary concept of self-determination, beginning with the 19th-century (and earlier) development of nationalism and attempts to ensure the protection of ethnic, linguistic, and other minorities. The primary focus will be on post-1919 international legal norms and activity, including application of the principle of self-determination by the League of Nations, the "minorities treaties" adopted under the League's auspices, post-1945 implementation of the right to self-determination by the United Nations in the context of decolonization, and more contemporary situations in which minority rights or the right to self-determination has been asserted. Prerequisite: ILO L200, L210, or equivalent.
Hannum. Not offered during 2005-2006.
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. ILO L224: Seminar on Peace Operations.
Enthusiasm for peacekeeping has undergone some wild pendulum swings over the last decade, from the "irrational exuberance" of the early 1990s to equally irrational disinterest in the mid-90s, back to resurgence of enthusiasm at the end of the decade. Since 1999, six new major peace operations have been established, most with unprecedented mandates in highly complex environments. This course combines a case study and thematic approach to this increasingly prevalent and complex aspect of contemporary international affairs. We look at peace operations, broadly defined to include peacekeeping, peace-building, and peace enforcement. We begin with a number of sessions on fundamentals: the UN Charter framework, history and types of peace operation, doctrine, and legal and institutional issues. Then select cases are considered, with a view to drawing out common themes and concerns. The focus is on recent operations, examined in light of past experience and official attempts to reflect on the evolving nature of peacekeeping. The course concludes with two sessions on recurring dilemmas and crosscutting issues, such as sovereignty versus intervention, peace versus justice, and the challenges of humanitarian action in times of war.
Johnstone. Fall semester.
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. EIB E240: Development Economics
This course provides an introduction to several central themes in development economics. The organizing framework is economic growth. After examining the nature of global poverty and its relationship to economic growth, the course examines the roles of trade strategies and agriculture in the growth process. By combining economic models and case studies, one can draw lessons regarding what approaches have worked to alleviate poverty. The course also pays particular attention to situations that have led to economic crises, and develops models of macroeconomic management and structural adjustment. Lectures and assignments presume a background in economics at the introductory level. Open to students who have completed EIB E201 or equivalent.
Fall semester. Spring semester. Associate Professor Block
Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy. EIB E241: Micro Development Economics: Poverty Reduction Policy Analysis for Developing Countries
This course develops a systematic approach to analyzing the costs and benefits of-and brainstorming about ways to improve-policies that might be used to reduce poverty in developing countries. Policies range from short-run attempts to use food subsidies and cash transfers to raise consumption levels of the poor, to infrastructure development and micro finance projects, to long-run investments in education and health. They also range from countrywide policies implemented by central governments to small-scale projects implemented by NGOs. We will use the framework of economic policy analysis to identify the potential costs and benefits of various poverty reduction efforts, and to understand how the specifics of program design might affect those costs and benefits. Because the actual importance of the costs and benefits may differ from place to place and from year to year, we also review what is known from empirical research about the sizes of the costs and benefits in various contexts, and identify basic information that is useful when attempting to predict the likely desirability of policies in specific circumstances. Emphasis is on development of a rigorous and systematic approach to the analysis of poverty reduction efforts, and on the effective communication of the results of such analysis. Open to students who have completed EIB E201 or the equivalent.
Fall semester. Visiting Associate Professor Schaffner
Harvard FAS. Sociology 60. Race and Ethnic Relations. Catalog Number: 4114.
Examines race and ethnic relations in the United States from a theoretical, historical, and comparative perspective. Explores the emergence of racial and ethnic minorities through such historical processes as colonialism, slavery, and immigration. Studies the current relations among racial and ethnic groups in the United States.
Prudence L. Carter. Spring 2005.
Harvard FAS. Sociology 296b. Proseminar on Inequality and Social Policy II. Catalog Number: 0193.
Deals with the reasons for changes in economic inequality, including changes in the supply and demand for skills, employment patterns, living arrangements, residential segregation by race and class, discrimination against women and minorities, immigration, the growth of the welfare state, and recent changes in welfare regulations. Note: Jointly offered with the Kennedy School as HLE-512.
Christopher Jencks (Kennedy School). Spring 2005.
Harvard FAS. Government 1582. Who Are We? Issues of American National Identity. Catalog Number: 9119.
This is a limited enrollment discussion course for both graduate and undergraduate students. Topics include: ethnic, racial, cultural, and ideological concepts of American identity; the relation between national and other identities; contemporary debates over national identity; immigration, assimilation, and Anglo-Hispanic biculturalism; America as the "exceptional" or "universal" country ; the problem of the lack of an opposing "evil empire;" the impact of different conceptions of identity on America's international role.
Samuel P. Huntington. Fall.
Harvard FAS. Economics 1340. Globalization and History. Catalog Number 4025.
Globalization after 1492: first globalization boom 1800-1914, autarkic retreat 1914-1950, second globalization boom since 1950. Uses history to explore sources and impact of world market integration, emerging global capital markets, and mass migrations. Does going global foster growth? Who gains and who loses? Why doesn't more capital flow to poor countries? Why don't more poor people migrate? Who votes for protection? Who votes for migration restriction?
Jeffrey G. Williamson. Fall.
Harvard FAS. Economics 2330. The Development of the American Economy. Catalog Number: 0123.
Covers topics in American economic history with an emphasis on the causes and consequences of economic growth from c. 1790. Explores the historical roots of current economic issues, such as productivity, technological change, inequality, female labor force, race, immigration, education, big government, and macroeconomic fluctuations.
Claudia Goldin. Spring.
MIT. Economics. 14.573J. Cities and Regions: Urban Economics and Public Policy.
The theory of urban land and housing markets, and the spatial development of cities. The roles played by transportation systems and local governments in shaping urban location patterns. Interregional competition, economic development, and the migration of labor and capital.
W. Wheaton. Not offered during 2005-2006.
MIT. Economics. 14.63. Labor in Industrial Society.
Examines the role of technology, class, gender, race, and law through a historical discussion of the three most important changes in the US economy this century: the rise and decline of unions; the entrance of women into the paid labor force; and the migration of African Americans into the industrial labor markets of the Northern cities. Economic studies integrated with insights from other social sciences. Readings are supplemented by documentary films and guest speakers from outside MIT.
P. Osterman. Not offered during 2005-2006.
MIT. Economics. 14.772. Development Economics: Macroeconomics.
Dynamic models of growth and development emphasizing migration, modernization, and technological change; static and dynamic models of political economy; the dynamics of income distribution and institutional change; firm structure in developing countries; development, transparency, and functioning of financial markets; privatization; and banks and credit market institutions in emerging markets.
E. Duflo. Not offered during 2005-2006.
MIT. Political Science. 17.181 & 182. Sustainable Development: Theory, Research and Policy.
Examines alternative conceptions and theoretical underpinnings of the notion of "sustainable development." Focuses on the sustainability problems of industrial countries (i.e., aging of populations, sustainable consumption, institutional adjustments, etc.); and of developing states and economies in transition (i.e., managing growth, sustainability of production patterns, pressures of population change, etc.). Explores the sociology of knowledge around sustainability, the economic and technological dimensions and institutional imperatives. Implications for political constitution of economic performance. 17.181 fulfills undergraduate public policy requirement in the major and minor. Graduate students are expected to explore the subject in greater depth through reading and individual research.
N. Choucri. Spring, 2006.
MIT. Political Science. 17.311 Politics, Race, and Science.
Examines comparatively the historical and contemporary role of science in constructing knowledge about human differences and similarities in terms of race. Particular attention is paid to the social and political context of scientific inquiry and to its political consequences for public policy. Considers also the role of science in constructing national identities. Topics include: US immigration policy, the US eugenics movement, and IQ and educational testing in the US.
M. Nobles. Spring, 2006.
MIT. Political Science. 17.315. Health Policy.
Analyzes the health policy problems facing America including adequate access to care, the control of health care costs, and the encouragement of medical advances. Considers market and regulatory alternatives as well as possible foreign models including Canadian, Swedish, British, and German arrangements. Emphasis on historical development, interest group behavior, and organizational influences in setting and implementing policy.
H. M. Sapolsky. Not offered during 2005-2006.
MIT. Political Science. 17.422. Field Seminar International Political Economy.
Review of IPE field covering previous and core research focusing on dual national objectives in a global context, namely pursuit of power and pursuit of wealth. Surveys major paradigms of international political economy, including neoclassical economics, development and ecological economics, lateral pressure, and perspectives and structural views of power relations. Examines interaction of politics and economics on international trade, capital flows, foreign investment, intellectual property rights, international migration, and select issues in foreign economic policy in global context. Examines the evolution of international economic institutions and attendant political implications. Open to undergraduates by permission of instructor.
N. Choucri.
MIT. Political Science. 17.504 & 506. Ethnic Politics I & II.
Subject has three goals: introduces students to the classic works on ethnic politics, familiarizes students with new research and methodological innovations in the study of ethnic politics, and helps students design and execute original research projects related to ethnic politics. Readings drawn from across disciplines, including political science, anthropology, sociology, and economics. Students read across the four subfields within political science. Graduate students specializing in any subfield are encouraged to take this subject, regardless of their previous empirical or theoretical background. Subject designed as a year-long research workshop, but may also be taken in either semester.
R. Petersen, M. Nobles.
MIT. Political Science. 17.523. Ethnicity and Race in World Politics.
Ethnic and racial conflict appear to be the hallmark of the new world order. What accounts for the rise of ethnic/racial and nationalist sentiments and movements? What is the basis of ethnic and racial identity? What are the political claims and goals of such movements and is conflict inevitable? Introduces students to dominant theoretical approaches to race, ethnicity, and nationalism, and considers them in light of current events in Africa, Europe, and the Americas.
M. Nobles. Not offered during 2005-2006.
MIT. Political Science. 17.524. Nationalism.
Explores the related phenomena termed nationalism: national consciousness and identity, nations, nation-states, and nationalist ideologies. Analyzes nationalism's emergence and endurance as a factor in modern politics and society. Topics include: nationalism and state-building, nationalism and economic modernization, nationalism and democratization, and nationalism and ethno-political conflict.
M. Nobles. Not offered during 2005-2006.
MIT. Political Science. 17.554. Political Economy of Latin America.
Covers the main topics in Latin American politics over the last four decades: modernization, bureaucratic-authoritarianism, civil-military relations, the politics of economic reform, political transition, party systems, voting behavior, interest groups, new social movements, the mass media, political culture, and US-Latin American relations. Open to qualified undergraduates with permission of instructor.
C. Lawson. Not offered during 2005-2006.
MIT. Political Science. 17.575 & 17.576. Introduction to Contemporary African Politics.
Uses novels and films, along with scholarly readings, to examine contemporary African political systems. Investigates the historical development of these systems, their relationship to indigenous social structures, and their embeddedness in the global political economy. Case studies are drawn from Burundi, Congo, Equatorial Guinea, Senegal, Nigeria, and Botswana. Graduate students are expected to explore the subject in greater depth through reading and individual research.
F. Schaffer. Not offered during 2005-2006.
Tufts University. Sociology 188c. Seminar: Globalization and Social Change.
This course will examine the concept of globalization and the relationship between the "global" and the "local." We will look at globalization historically and in its different dimensions such as the organization of economic production, communication and transportation, cultural flows, "people flows" such as immigration and the formation of diasporas, global social movements, and the changing role of non-governmental organizations. Specific investigations will include the relationship between global affluence and global poverty, "global cities," globalization and identity politics, implications for the system of nation-states, and the possibilities for creating a "global civic forum."
Paul Joseph.
MIT. Department of Urban Studies and Planning.
11.301J Introduction to Urban Design and Development
Examines both the structure of cities and ways they can be changed. Includes historical forces that have produced cities, models of urban analysis, contemporary theories of urban design, implementation strategies. Core lectures supplemented by discussion group focusing on student work. Speakers present cases involving current projects illustrating the scope and methods of urban design practice.
Dennis Frenchman
MIT. Department of Urban Studies and Planning.
11.437 Financing Economic Development
PFocuses on financing tools and program models to support local economic development. Includes an overview of private capital markets and financing sources to understand capital market imperfections that constrain economic development; business accounting; financial statement analysis; federal economic development programs; and public finance tools. Program models covered include revolving loan funds, guarantee programs, venture capital funds, bank holding companies, community development loan funds and credit unions, micro enterprise funds, and the use of the Community Reinvestment Acto to leverage bank financing.
Karl Seidman.
MIT. Department of Urban Studies and Planning.
11.491J Economic Development and Policy Analysis I
Analyzes the theoretical and historical reasons why governments in latecomer countries have intervened with a wide array of policies to foster industrial development at various turning points: the initiation of industrial activity; the diversification of the industrial base; the restructuring of major industrial institutions; and the entry into high-technology sectors.
Alice Amsden
MIT. Department of Urban Studies and Planning.
11.944 Sustainable Residential Development in China - Research Seminar
This semester will focus on sustainable urbanization and related issues in China and other nations. Vanke will provide a site in the Shanghai urban fringe that is currently under development to highlight the most relevant issues. Students are expected to articulate the issues for the handbook and to do substantive global urbanization research. They will also be preparing for the project evaluation of the same site in the IAP period. In order to prepare an efficient site trip and evaluation, a visual and social survey will be organized in the fall and survey training will be given to students. 1. Identify key issues to be covered in course - density, public open space, sense of community, transportation, site and landscaping, building typology, climate. Study site will be identified - plans, demography, marketing, etc. 2. Students will organize work groups to explore the issues - parameters of the issue, important features, as studies from China and elsewhere. 3. Speakers from MIT and elsewhere - extent of the urbanization problem, economic impacts, environmental impacts. 4. Prepare for January field work. Organize survey - training, questionnaire, visual mapping of activities etc. 5. Draft handbook with case studies.
Tunney Lee
MIT. Department of Urban Studies and Planning.
11.401 Introduction to Housing and Community Development
Explores how public policy and private markets affect housing, economic development, and the local economy; provides an overview of techniques and specified programs policies and strategies that are (and have been) directed at neighborhood development; gives students an opportunity to reflect on their personal sense of the housing and community development process; emphasizes the institutional context within which public and private actions are undertaken.
J. Phillip Thompson
MIT. Department of Urban Studies and Planning.
11.423 Information and Communication Technologies in Community Development
Practicum subject integrates theory and practice through the design, implementation, and evaluation of a comprehensive community information infrastructure that promotes democratic involvement and informs community development projects. Students work with Lawrence Community Works, Inc. to involve constituents and generate solutions to an important planning problem in the City of Lawrence, Massachusetts. Final project presentations take place in a public forum, and serve to inform future development of the information infrastructure. Subject begins with an overview of the digital divide, e-government, public participation GIS, and neighborhood information systems. Subject includes a reflection component and a deliberate investigation of race, class, and gender dynamics.
Lorlene Hoyt, Langley Keyes
MIT. Department of Urban Studies and Planning.
11.463J Structuring Low-Income Housing Projects in Developing Countries
Examines dynamic relationship among key actors: beneficiaries, government, and funder. Emphasis on costs recovery, affordability, replicability, user selection, and project administration. Extensive case examples provide basis for comparisons.
Reinhard Goethert
MIT. Department of Urban Studies and Planning.
11.701 Introduction to Planning and Institutional Processes in Developing Countries
The planning process in developing countries. Interaction betwween planners and institutions at both national and local levels. Overview of theories of state, organizational arrangements, implementaion mechanisms, and planning styles. Case studies of planning: decentralization, provision of low-cost housing, and new-town develoment. Analyzes various roles planners play in different institutional contexts. Professional ethics and values amidst conflicting demands. Restricted to first-year MCP and SPURS students.
Bish Sanyal
MIT. Department of Urban Studies and Planning.
Political Economy of Development Projects: Targeting the Poor
Covers conditions under which public-sector policies, programs, and projects succeed in enhancing the economic activities of poorer groups and micro-regions in developing countries. Topics include local economic development; small enterprises; various forms of collective action; labor and worker associations; nongovernment organizations. Links these to literature on poverty, economic development, and reform of government, and to types of projects, tasks, and environments that are conducive to equitable outcomes.
J. Tendler.Not offered during the Fall 2005 semester.
MIT. Department of Urban Studies and Planning.
11.479 Water and Sanitation Infrastructure in Developing Countries
Policy and planning for the provision of water supply and sanitation services in developing countries. Reviews available technologies, but emphasizes the planning and policy process, including economic, social, environmental, and health issues. Incorporates considerations of financing, pricing, institutional structure, consumer demand, and community participation in the planning process. Evaluates policies and projects in case studies from Asia , Africa , Latin America , and Central and Eastern Europe.
DUSP Staff.Not offered during the Fall 2005 semester.
MIT. Department of Urban Studies and Planning.
11.495 Governance and Law in Developing Countries
Examines the changing context of the newly popular concept of "governance" in developing countries and related legal and regulatory frameworks at the domestic and international levels. Emphasizes impact of globalization on economic and political aspects of governance. Critically examines the changing role of the state and civil society with a special focus on environmental governance. Specific policy components of governance, such as the rule of law, human rights, institution-building, transparency/anticorruption, and privatization are explored through a "political economy" approach.
B. Rajagopal.Not offered during the Fall 2005 semester.
MIT. Department of Urban Studies and Planning.
11.366J Planning for Sustainable Development
Explores policy and planning for sustainable development. Critically examines concept of sustainability as a process of social, organizational, and political development drawing on cases from the US and Europe. Explores pathways to sustainability through debates on ecological modernization; sustainable technology development, international and intergenerational fairness, and democratic governance. Third subject in the Environmental Policy and Planning sequence.
D. Laws.Not offered during the Fall 2005 semester.
MIT. Department of Urban Studies and Planning.
11.426 Cities and Globalization
Cities examined in the context of globalization. Subject examines changing nature and character of cities as produced by increased transnational migration flows, accelerated international trade, diminished institutional capacities of states (both local and national), and new forms of urban employment investment, and economic restructuring in an age of globalization. Among themes discussed are globalization's impact on the economic health, social and ethnic composition, political dynamics, and urban policy priorities of cities. Readings focus mainly on the American urban experience, including Boston, and Detroit, with additional emphasis on ``global cities'' (New York City, Los Angeles, London, Tokyo, Mexico City, Sao Paolo), and how transformations in these locales produce increasing urban inequality both nationally and world-wide.
D. DavisNot offered during the Fall 2005 semester.
MIT. Department of Urban Studies and Planning.
11.494 Law and Politics of Local Governance
Offers an introduction to the legal and institutional issues that arise in local and city governance. Focus on the way institutional arrangements and legal concepts influence how power is distributed, how it is exercised and by whom, and explores alternative arrangements. Principal emphasis on American local government law, with forays into comparative legal regulation.
B. RajagopalNot offered during the Fall 2005 semester.
C. Foreign Languages and Literatures, History and Religion
Boston University. CAS History 223. Jews in the Modern World.
The Jewish nation in the Ottoman Empire; social and economic effects of European emancipation; rise of modern antisemitism; intra-European and cross-Atlantic immigration patterns; the Holocaust; the state of Israel and modern Jewish identity.
Ezra Mendelsohn.
Boston University. GRS IR 705 Modernization in Turkey, Iran and Afghanistan Studies the various aspects of modernization of the Northern Tier. The three countries are ideally suited for comparative analysis, as they were the only Muslim states that survived the era of European imperialism as independent states. Chehabi
Boston University. CAS AN 285 Coping with Crisis in Contemporary Africa
This course surveys the cultural dimensions of African wealth and poverty. It is not so much a course on current events as on the longer-term processes and the enduring values and ideals that continually shape them. Social, economic, and political changes are examined in the light of cultural and philosophical ideals, and symbolic structures, that don't change as fast. Special attention is paid to land and property issues, food and famine, and the effects of international interventions. Staff
Boston University. CAS PO 560 Politics and Society in North Africa and the Middle East
An investigation of contemporary North Africa and the Middle East, with emphasis on current socioeconomic and political trends and tensions. Prof. Gendzier.
Boston University. CAS PO 565 Government and Politics of Contemporary Africa Analysis of independent black Africa; factors of continuity and change in modern Africa, problems of political order, ambiguities of independence. Case studies of individual countries selected for additional emphasis on specific issues and problems of developing countries. Prof. Bustin.
Boston University. GRS PO 760 Problems and Issues of Contemporary Africa
The range of problems selected for emphasis varies from year to year but has recurrently encompassed such issues as governance, state-society relations, the ambiguities of independence, nation building, and democratization, the role of the military, the incidence of religion and ethnicity, the problematics of grass roots participation, mobilization, class consciousness, civil society, and electoral systems. Prof. Bustin
Boston University. GRS PO 842 Comparative Development and Underdevelopment
A comprehensive course designed for graduate students interested in issues of development. Its principle objective is to provide a forum for the systematic consideration of a host of current practical problems and controversies in development, as well as introduce students to theoretical trends in development studies. The emphasis is at once international and comparative. Prof. Gendzier
Harvard FAS. History 1741. Gender and History in Latin America. Catalog Number: 1467.
A study of Latin American history with a focus on the distinct patterns of gender relations that have dominated Latin American society for hundreds of years. Themes include conquest, slavery, paternalism, honor, religion and social control, social change, the law, labor, sexuality, and migration.
Jane Erin Mangan..
Harvard FAS. History 1874. The Middle East During the First Wave of Modern Globalization, 1870-1920: Conference Course. Catalog Number: 2291.
Examines the place of the Middle East during the first wave of modern globalization. Will explore the sources of world market integration, the impact of trade, the role of foreign lending and the new flows of capital, commerce and international migration. Will analyze the impact of formal and informal empire in the Middle East, the role of government, the development of transport, the changing role of port cities and provincial capitals, emigration, and the impact of the First World War.
E. Roger Owen..
Harvard FAS. History 1912. Health, Disease, and Ecology in African History: Conference Course. Catalog Number: 5905.
Examines the history of disease and health in sub-Saharan Africa from the 19th century to recent times, exploring African and western concepts of health, disease and healing. Illustration through discussion of case studies of individual diseases, including malaria/sickle cell trait, trypanosomiasis, tuberculosis, sexually transmitted diseases, alcoholism, AIDS, and onchocerciasis, and the public health policies affecting them.
Emmanuel K. Akyeampong.
Harvard FAS. History 2887a. Debates in the Economic and Social History of the Middle East: Seminar. Catalog Number: 1352.
Major debates concerning analysis of modern economic and social transformation of the Middle East including issues of class and community, popular movements, landed property, the impact colonialism and state/society relations.
E. Roger Owen.
Harvard FAS. Religion 1526. Religion in America from c. 1865 to the 1970s. Catalog Number 8025.
A survey of the history of American religions from the end of the Civil War to the 1970s. Topics include the religious worlds of immigrants and migrants (including the "new immigrations" of the mid-1960s); religion and race; the emergence of new religious idioms (such as Pentecostalism) and the reformulation of more established traditions in response to the challenges and conditions of modern culture (e.g., the changing intellectual landscape of American Catholicism in the 1960s), religious constructions of important social and moral issues (e.g., abortion and workers' rights), the religious response to urbanization and suburbanization, and religion and gender.
Robert A. Orsi (Divinity School). Offered jointly by the Divinity School as 2304.
Harvard FAS. Religion 1528. Globalization and Human Values: Envisioning World Community. Catalog Number: 4705.
Are we witnessing the emergence of a world community? How and by whom are pan-human solidarities imagined, symbolized, and contested? We examine the seedlings of a global civil religion in practices ranging from war-crimes tribunals to CNN broadcasts. The course draws up on ethnographic and cinematic accounts -- as well as in-class interviews with relevant experts -- to understand the history of worldwide convergences, the rites and identities of today's global citizens, and the possibilities for utopian or dystopian futures.
Brian C. W. Palmer. Offered by the Divinity School as 3332.
Harvard FAS. Literature 140. Colonial and Post-Colonial Spaces: France and North Africa. Catalog Number: 9366.
Focuses on transformations of colonial and postcolonial spaces in North Africa that include Morocco, Tunisia, and, especially, Algeria. Special attention will be given to notions of language, subjectivity, citizenship, nation, community, territory and identity. We will also examine the emergence of new cultural spaces in connection with urban immigration in France and Europe. Studies literature (Begag, Boudjedra, Charef, Kateb Yacine, Khatibi, Memmi), film (Allouache, Djebar, Julien, Kassovitz) and theory (de Certeau, Fanon, Derrida, Said).
Verena A. Conley. Spring.
MIT. Anthropology. 21A.226. Ethnic and National Identity
An introduction to the cross-cultural study of ethnic and national identity. Students explore the history of nationalism, focusing on ideologies about the nation-state, and look at the ways gender, religious and racial identities intersect with ethnic and national ones. Ethnic conflict is examined, along with the emergence of social movements based on identity, in particular indigenous rights movements and the ways culture can become highly politicized. Finally, students discuss the effects of globalization, migration, and transnational institutions.
J. Jackson.
MIT. Foreign Languages and Literatures. 21F.018. Topics in Bilingualism: Language, Culture, and Experience.
Topic for Fall 2003 is The Childhood Memoirs of Bilingual Writers. Explores the linguistic, historical, political, psychological, cultural, and literary aspects of bilingualism in the US and internationally. Examines the history of hegemonic languages and of linguistic and cultural resistance. Covers issues of immigration, exile, and borderlands. Focuses on the personal alienation and enrichment to which bilingualism leads, on generational conflict, and on the role language and culture play in the construction of identity. May be repeated for credit with permission of instructor. Taught in English.
I. de Courtivron.
MIT. Foreign Languages and Literatures. 21F.041. Topics in South Asian Literature and Culture.Topic for Fall 2005: Occidentalism. An exploration of the many ways in which many South Asian films and novels represent the West, essentializing, romanticizing and exoticizing it at the same time. Politics of humor emphasized. Examines authors from Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and Sri Lanka, and explores texts in English as well as those in the regional languages, in translation. Topics include modernity and post-colonialism, shifting questions of class, gender and sexuality, narrative strategies in the diasporic literature, effects of globalization and hybridity and the tensions between traditional values and social change. Taught in English. Enrollment limited.
MIT. Foreign Languages and Literatures. 21F.047. Representing Africa and the Caribbean on Screen: Voices and Visions from Francophone Countries.
Study of the most important post-colonial films in French-speaking parts of the Caribbean and Africa. Questions of western stereotypes about Africa and the Caribbean in Euro-American films. Attention devoted to African and Caribbean filmmaking practices. Primary topics of interest include traditional values and social change; education; popular culture and urban life; immigration; sexuality; and gender relations. Filmmakers include: Ousmane Sembene, Djibril Mambety Diop, Euzhan Palcy, and Sarah Maldoror. Taught in English.
O. Cazenave.
MIT. History. 21H.153J. Race and Gender in Asian America.
An interdisciplinary examination of the Asian-American experience with particular emphasis on gender and race from mid-nineteenth century to present. Topics include: Asian American women's history, Asian American feminisms, gender and ethnic nationalism, images of Asian American men and women in film and media, sexuality, and the impact of immigration on gender roles. Uses extensive primary sources and audio-visual media.
E. Teng.
MIT. History. 21H.209. The Frontier and the American West.
An examination of the images and realities of the American West from the colonial period to the twentieth century, with an emphasis on the 1800s. Subject is concerned overall with what the West has meant to Americans over the centuries, and explores issues of politics, society, culture, and ecology. Students use primary sources to cover topics including Native American interaction with European settlers, the legend of Daniel Boone, the Gold Rush, Asian immigration to California, and the image of the American cowboy.
MIT. History. 21H.621 The Politics of Identity in the Middle East (Revised Units).
Surveys the development of national, religious, and transnational identities in the Middle East during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Examines European imperialism, theories of nationalism, and state formation in the successor states of the Ottoman Empire, as well as Iran. Considers national identities in light of minority, gender, and sectarian issues. Topics include Arab nationalism, Zionism, Palestinian nationalism, and regional case studies. Open to graduate students.
C. Wilkins.
MIT. History. 21H.920. New Global History.
The forces of globalization shaping our world are viewed with a historical perspective. Study of transnational factors such as the step into space, satellite communications, the multinational corporations, migrations, environmental issues, international relations, human rights, global culture, consumerism, and cities.
B. Mazlish.
Tufts. History 01HM. Re-imagining Europe: Britain, France and Germany.
A Foundation Seminar that will explore issues of national identity, ethnicity and cultural hybridity in three western European countries since the Second World War. Of particular interest will be how these societies have evolved as a result of non-western immigration, the impact of the Common Market/European Union idea, and Americanization and globalization.
Tufts. History 75. The Americas.
Latin America and the Caribbean from the colonial period to the contemporary era. A multimedia, interdisciplinary introduction focusing on nation-building, migration, race relations, women's roles, political economy, sovereignty, religion, culture, revolutionary movements, and Latino communities in the United States.
Tufts. History 98. Immigrant in American History.
U.S. immigration in comparative and world perspective. Immigration control policies, nativism and prejudice, assimilation and ethnicity, and rural and urban communities.
Tufts. History 190RU. People in Motion.
How human populations worldwide moved and aggregated in geographic and social spaces in periods of pre-history, ancient history, invasion, war and conquest, colonization, urbanization, and ethnic assimilation. Origins of Amerindians, the Eurasian steppe "gradient," the Roman Empire and its aftermath, the African diaspora, transoceanic expansion, urban mobility, and post-colonial population shifts.
D. Miscellaneous Subjects
Harvard School of Public Health
PIH 214d. Health, Human Rights and the International System.
This course is designed to provide an overview of the nature and role of the international system with respect to health and human rights issues. Focus will be on the responses of the UN, including WHO, regional organizations, and non-state actors to some of the pressing issues of health and human rights. Among the specific issues to be examined are: trade; intellectual property and drug pricing in Africa; refugee status of girls threatened with FGC (female genital cutting); forced sterilization and human rights procedures in Latin America; legality of nuclear weapons before the World Court; health of child workers under the European Social Charter; international ban on reproductive human cloning. We will use simulations of actual cases. The ultimate aim of the course is to prepare students to interact professionally with the international system to advance the health and human rights objectives, whether through governmental, intergovernmental or nongovernmental processes.
Dr. S. Marks. This course is not offered during the Fall 2005 semester
Harvard School of Public Health.
PIH 218a. Health and Human Rights: Concepts and Methods for Public Health.
The course identifies and discusses the complex interactions between health and human rights, with particular emphasis on the implications of human rights for public health thinking and practice. The course provides the basis for literacy about modern human rights, including core principles, key documents, institutions and practices. Then, a framework for analysis of health/human rights interactions is developed and applied, including: effect of health policies and programs on human rights; health consequences of human rights violations; and the inextricable linkage between promoting and protecting health and promoting and protecting human rights. A variety of topics including reproductive health and HIV/AIDS are used to illustrate and explore practical applications of human rights in public health.
Dr. S. Gruskin.
Harvard School of Public Health
PIH268 Field Experience in Health and Human Rights
In this course, students will acquire the basic skills in applying a human rights framework to health issues in a professional work environment. Depending on their field placement, they may learn about operational skills in settings where health and human rights are practiced or about organizing a study to investigate human rights conditions affecting health. Each student will be expected to identify an organization with which they would like to work for the Winter Session period and secure a placement within that organization. Students are expected to attend a short preparatory workshop offered by the FXB Center in the Fall 2 quarter. Participants will study materials pertinent to their placement and project before heading to the field assignment. After completion of their field work, each student is required to hand in a 10-page paper to be graded by the course instructor on a pass/fail basis.
Dr. S. Marks. This course is not offered during the 2005 Fall semester.
Harvard School of Public Health
PIH288 Issues in Health and Human Rights
The aim of this course is to introduce students to the application of the human rights framework to a wide range of critical areas of public health. Through lectures, cases and guest speakers, students will become familiar with the human rights perspective as applied to selected public health policies, programs and interventions. The course clarifies how human rights approaches complement and differ from those of bioethics and public health ethics.
Among the issues to be considered from a human rights perspective are the Nuremberg principles, torture prevention and treatment, infectious diseases: MDRTB and incarceration, violence prevention and response, genetic manipulation, access to affordable drugs, community-based health financing, family planning, disabilities, child labor, aging, and tobacco control.
Dr. S. Marks.
Harvard School of Public Health
PIH511 Field Skills for Humanitarian Studies I
This course will offer a very practical overview of the skills needed to engage in humanitarian work in the field. Enrollment is limited to students participating in the Humanitarian Studies Initiative program. Through presentations offered by the faculty of the Humanitarian Studies Initiative and guest speakers who are experts in their fields, students will become acquainted with the primary frameworks in the humanitarian field (human rights, human security, livelihoods, do no harm, Sphere standards, international humanitarian law) and will begin to focus on practical issues that arise in the field, such as rapid public health assessments, minimum standards for food security, and civil-military relations in humanitarian settings. These topics will build the foundation for a weekend-long simulation of a humanitarian crisis that will take place in April. Topics will be presented in case studies or in an interactive style.
Dr. J. Leaning.
Harvard School of Public Health
PIH512 Field Skills for Humanitarian Studies II
This course will offer a very practical overview of the skills needed to engage in humanitarian work in the field. Enrollment is limited to students participating in the Humanitarian Studies Initiative program. Through presentations offered by the faculty of the Humanitarian Studies Initiative and guest speakers who are experts in their fields, students will focus on practical issues that arise in the field, such as programming for children in humanitarian crises and refugee settings, landmines, interfacing with the media, professionalism and ethics in the field, and personal security for humanitarian personnel. Topics will be presented in case studies or in an interactive style. Students will have the opportunity to apply the skills gained during the course during a weekend-long simulation of a humanitarian crisis that will take place in April.
Dr. J. Leaning.This course is not offered during the Fall 2005 semester.
Harvard School of Public Health
PIH513 Public Health Operations in Complex Emergencies and War
The last two decades have seen the growth in the humanitarian aid industry and the maturation of the field of international relief. With this growth has come the collective realization of the need for applying methods for data collection, evaluation and needs-based planning in humanitarian operations in the field. In complex field settings such as wars and disasters, the application of rapid epidemiologic methods requires both an understanding of applied field methods and a common-sense understanding of humanitarian operations. This seminar series will address practical approaches to field assessments, design of relief programs, barriers encountered in the field, and the use of field standards, such as Sphere standards. Students will be encouraged to participate in practical exercises and discussions related to case scenarios in conflict-related crises, and will learn the initial approaches to developing programs in large-scale complex emergencies. Course note: No auditors.
Dr. J. Leaning.This course is not offered during the Fall 2005 semester.
Harvard School of Public Health
PIH513 Public Health Operations in Complex Emergencies and War
The last two decades have seen the growth in the humanitarian aid industry and the maturation of the field of international relief. With this growth has come the collective realization of the need for applying methods for data collection, evaluation and needs-based planning in humanitarian operations in the field. In complex field settings such as wars and disasters, the application of rapid epidemiologic methods requires both an understanding of applied field methods and a common-sense understanding of humanitarian operations. This seminar series will address practical approaches to field assessments, design of relief programs, barriers encountered in the field, and the use of field standards, such as Sphere standards. Students will be encouraged to participate in practical exercises and discussions related to case scenarios in conflict-related crises, and will learn the initial approaches to developing programs in large-scale complex emergencies. Course note: No auditors.
Dr. J. Leaning.This course is not offered during the Fall 2005 semester.
Harvard Law School.
Human Rights Advocacy: Seminar.
In the space of fifty years, human rights advocates have transformed a marginal utopian ideal into a central element of global discourse, if not practice. This course examines the actors and organizations behind this remarkable development. What are the origins of the human rights movement and where is it headed? What does it mean to be a human rights activist? What are the main challenges and dilemmas facing those engaged in rights promotion and defense?
This seminar introduces students to human rights advocacy through participation in supervised projects, as well as readings, class discussion, role-playing and participatory evaluation of advocacy strategies. The clinical projects will involve work individually or in small groups in collaboration with human rights NGOs and/or before intergovernmental bodies.
In addition to the primary clinical component, this course will expose students to some of the practical manifestations of the main debates and dilemmas within the human rights movement. These will include several of the ethical and strategic issues that arise in the course of doing fact-finding and advocacy and balancing the often differing agendas of the western international nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and their counterparts in the (frequently non-western) developing world. Class sessions will focus on analysis of advocacy from the recent history of the human rights movement, but will also include role-playing sessions and student-led discussions of their clinical projects.
Students who wish to enroll for this course with a clinical component must do so through the Office of Clinical Programs. Please refer to the Clinical course section for the early drop/add deadlines and rules for all clinical courses.
Mr. James Cavallaro and Ms. Binaifer Nowrojee
Harvard Law School.
Human Rights Clinical Workshop A
This workshop brings together a small group (maximum, thirteen students) in a seminar format to develop advocacy skills and analyze clinical work experience in human rights. The workshop must be taken in conjunction with clinical units (2, 3, or 4) through the Human Rights Program. Initial readings focus on the history and critiques of the human rights movement as well as developing fundamental advocacy skills.
The first several workshop sessions will focus the readings outlined below, as well as role-playing sessions to develop advocacy skills. By mid-semester, the focus of the workshop will shift to student-led discussions of their clinical projects. At this point (in the sixth week of classes, and possibly earlier), one or more student each week will present a brief, five-page paper, on her/his clinical work experience. Other students are required to review these papers and comment on them during class sessions.
All students will work on a clinical project or projects ordinarily involving the following elements: (1) a significant research component; (2) collaboration with a human rights organization; and (3) participation in some process such as a UN or Organization of American States (OAS) session, NGO investigation, advocacy campaign or court proceedings. Unlike domestic clinical work, the projects may not involve judicial proceedings.
Grades for the workshop will be based on the brief paper and its presentation, and participation in class discussions.
Students who wish to enroll in the course with a clinical component must do so through the Office of Clinical Programs. Please refer to the Clinical course section for early drop/add deadline rules for all clinical courses.
Mr. James CavallaroThis course is not offered during the Fall 2005 semester.
Harvard Law School.
Human Rights Research Seminar
This seminar will consist of supervised research and writing on the following contemporary human rights issues: human rights and national sovereignty; roles of NGOs in human rights; human rights and foreign aid; foreign and international norms in national courts. Applicants should send a c.v. and project description to Prof. Glendon ( Prerequisite: Submission and approval of a project outline in one of the above areas. Prof. Mary Ann Glendon.
Prof. Mary Ann Glendon.
Harvard Law School.
International Human Rights
This course examines the law, theory, and practice of international human rights. The course is designed to provide students with an informed and critical perspective on international instruments, intergovernmental organizations, and domestic legal arrangements related to the articulation and implementation of human rights. Topics will include the origins and theory of global human rights; the relationship between human rights norms and issues of state sovereignty; the universal or culturally particular nature of human rights; connections between civil, political, social, and economic rights; transnational strategies associated with implementation and enforcement; and institutional remedies in response to massive human rights violations. The course book is Steiner and Alston, International Human Rights in Context: Law, Politics, Morals (Oxford University Press, 2nd ed. 2000). Students who wish to enroll in the course with a clinical component must do so through the Office of Clinical Programs. Please refer to the Clinical course section of this Catalog for early drop/add deadline rules for all clinical courses.
Block D.
Harvard Law School.
International Human Rights Litigation: Seminar
The past quarter century has witnessed the unprecedented establishment of international courts charged with adjudicating instances of human rights abuse. The newest of these bodies-the International Criminal Court (ICC-has been heralded by some as one of great achievements of the Twentieth Century, the culmination of decades of efforts by human rights activists to transform human rights from ideal into binding legal doctrine, applicable in courts of law. Yet with the passage of time and the development of a record of performance for these international human rights courts, critics argue that the experiment with international justice has been a grandiose failure.
This course takes a critical look at international human rights litigation before regional bodies (the European Court of Human Rights; the Inter-American Commission and Court; the African Commission and Court), universal mechanisms (the conventional and special mechanisms of the United Nations), and special institutions established to render justice after mass atrocity (the International Criminal Tribunals for Rwanda; the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia; the Special Court for Sierra Leone). The seminar will assess the jurisprudence of these bodies, as well as their role in promoting (or undermining) justice and fostering reconciliation (or intensifying tensions) in post-conflict societies. Students will prepare brief papers on the readings and will participate in one or more clinical projects. The projects will involve work individually or in small groups in collaboration with human rights NGOs and/or before intergovernmental bodies. The focus of clinical projects will be on litigation before international fora. Students who wish to enroll for this course with a clinical component must do so through the Office of Clinical Programs. Please refer to the Clinical course section for the early drop/add deadlines and rules for all clinical courses.
Mr. James Cavallaro.