Expert Guide

CIS faculty and scholars are available to members of the media who seek comment and background information on issues related to international affairs. The best way to reach our experts is to contact them directly. If additional information is needed, please contact Michelle English, the Center’s Communications Officer.

CIS faculty and scholars are available to members of the media who seek comment and background information on issues related to international affairs. The best way to reach our experts is to contact them directly. If additional information is needed, please contact Michelle English, the Center’s Communications Officer.

A B C d E F G H J K L M N O P R S T U V W
Chappell Lawson

Associate Professor of Political Science
Director, Policy Lab

Expertise: Civil-military relations, international education, Latin America (democratization, mass media, regime change, Mexican elections/politics)


Evan Lieberman

Total Professor of Political Science and Contemporary Africa
Director, Center for International Studies
Faculty Director, MIT International Science and Technology Initiatives (MISTI)

Expertise: Ethnic politics, climate policy, public health, state-building, democratic governance, Africa

Personal website
Department Bio

Erik Lin-Greenberg

Leo Marx Career Development Assistant Professor of the History and Culture of Science & Technology
Member, Security Studies Program

Expertise: Emerging technology, crisis escalation, security strategy

Personal website

Noora Lori

Associate Professor of International Relations, Boston University
Inter-University Committee on International Migration

Expertise: International migration, comparative politics, immigration and citizenship, Middle East politics


Paulo Lozano

Miguel Alemán Velasco Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Director, Space Propulsion Lab
Faculty Director, MIT-Mexico

Expertise: International education, aerospace engineering, space propulsion, electrospray thrusters, micro and nano-fabrication, space mission design, small satellite technology development, ion beams, micro-fluidics