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Book Talk with James Galbraith
About the Speakers:
James Galbraith is professor at the Lyndon B. Johnson School of Public Affairs, the University of Texas at Austin, where he holds the Lloyd M. Bentsen Jr Chair in Government/Business Relations. He is a leading economist whose books include The Predator State, Inequality and Industrial Change, and Created Unequal.
David Singer is associate professor of political science at MIT. He studies international political economy, with a focus on international financial regulation, the influence of global capital flows on government policy-making, international institutions and governance, and the political economy of central banking. He is author of Regulating Capital: Setting Standards for the International Financial System.
Rachel Wellhausen is a PhD candidate in international political economy and comparative politics at the MIT Department of Political Science. Her dissertation seeks to explain why, in an era of economic globalization, emerging economy governments can sometimes break their commitments to protect foreign investors' property rights.
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